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WOCE Bibliography
Data Information Unit
Data Sets
    Current Meters
    Sub Surface Floats
    Air-Sea Fluxes
    Profiling Floats
    Sea Surface Salinity
    Shipboard ADCP
    Surface Meteorology
    Upper Ocean Thermal
Search Tool
Global Data History
 Data Sets on WOCE Data DVD Disk 2:

  Satellite Sea Level
  Satellite Sea Surface Temperature
  Satellite Surface Winds
  Sea Level - Delayed Mode
  Sea Level - Fast Return
  WOCE Bibliography
  Describing the WOCE Bibliography
  WOCE Bibliography Keywords
  The Complete WOCE Bibliography

The International WOCE bibliography was started in October 1994 to provide a convenient reference source for WOCE Investigators as well as a record of the achievements of the project. It is a collaborative project between the WOCE IPO, the WOCE Data Information Unit (at the University of Delaware) and the UK National Oceanographic Library at the Southampton Oceanography Centre. As of 15th July 2002 the bibliography contained 6336 articles, of which 1677 published and 1485 unpublished papers were directly attributable to WOCE.