WOCE Surface Meteorology Data

This disk was produced by the
Surface Meteorology DAC
COAPS, Florida State University
June 2002

The disk contains surface meteorology records from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE).  The data include underway meteorology for 81% of the cruises sponsored by WOCE.  A collection of data maps have been produced to show you coverage of the data available in this archive.  In addition, we have included supplemental data from non-woce cruises during 1991-1998.  Additional marine surface meteorology data can be obtained on line at www.coaps.fsu.edu/RVSMDC. WOCE Surface flux data are available under the WOCEFLUX directory of this DVD set.
WOCEMET was established at the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) at Florida State University (http://coaps.fsu.edu) in 1994. The DAC has assembled and produced a uniformly-processed, high-quality set of historical and WOCE underway surface meteorogical data.  All current records in the database have been examined using a two-step (automated and visual) quality control system.  A full report of procedures is included.  Funding for the production of this collection was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
We invite you to WOCE surface meteorology data are organized by ship and hydrographic cruise line. All non-woce data are sorted by ship and year. Also included are high-resolution meteorology data from WOCE sponsored subduction buoys. In addition to the data, cruise maps and data quality reports are included. An inventory of data on this disk is available.
We would like to hear from you! If you have any comments about WOCEMET, the online database, or this disk, please let us know by sending a message.

This disk should be referenced as "WOCE Data Products Committee. 2002.  WOCE Global Data, Version 3.0, WOCE International Project Office, WOCE Report No. 180/02, Southampton, UK."

If you are interested in other WOCE datasets you will find summaries and information in the Data Information Unit within this pack.