WOCE Logo  World Ocean Circulation Experiment
  Global Data Resource 3.0
   DVD Disk 1
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WOCE Bibliography
Data Information Unit
Data Sets
    Current Meters
    Sub Surface Floats
    Air-Sea Fluxes
    Profiling Floats
    Sea Surface Salinity
    Shipboard ADCP
    Surface Meteorology
    Upper Ocean Thermal
Search Tool
Global Data History
 Data Sets on WOCE Data DVD Disk 2:

  Satellite Sea Level
  Satellite Sea Surface Temperature
  Satellite Surface Winds
  Sea Level - Delayed Mode
  Sea Level - Fast Return

WOCE Integrated Search Tool allows a user to search the inventories of the data found on the DVDs

netCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries for C, Fortran, C++, and perl that provide implementations of the interface. The netCDF libraries define a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, libraries, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data.

  • ncBrowse - A Java graphical netCDF file browser

Gzip (GNU zip) is a compression utility used to compress many of the data (.zip, .gz) files. Its main advantages over compress are much better compression and freedom from patented algorithms. It is available from http://www.gzip.org. hyperlink

To extract .tar and .tar.gz files on Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP you can use programs such as PowerArchiver 6.1 (freeware), UltimateZip (freeware), both included on this DVD, or Winzip hyperlink (commercial).

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read the PDF documents and is available both online and on these DVDs.

A WWW browser is required to read the WOCE Global Data Version 3.0.  They are available online at Netscape hyperlink or Microsoft hyperlink WWW homepages. Netscape Navigator for Win 95. 98, NT and 2000 and MAC as well as Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and ME and MAC are available on this DVD.

An "Electronic Atlas of WOCE Data" (eWOCE) (on DVD Disk #2) that allows graphical display and interactive analysis of the data in many different ways. With extensive interactive controls such as user-defined plot configuration, zooming, auto-scaling, color adjustment, station/sample selection, and automatic calculation of a large variety of derived variables this electronic atlas complements and surpasses printed atlases that are now in preparation.

HydroBase2 hyperlink incorporates software plus a database of global hydrography -- original observations and fully interpolated, gridded climatologies. The software permits users to create gridded climatologies -- on spatial and temporal scales that are customized to their own research needs. It also includes tools to explore and navigate these huge datasets.