
The WHP directories contain data and documentation for the WHP One-Time Survey cruises, for the WHP Repeat Hydrography cruises, and for WOCE Time Series Stations. Organization of cruise data and documentation is hierarchical by WHP program, ocean basin, WHP line designator, and cruise date. Maximum station information is present in "WOCE" data files. "WHP-Exchange" data files are easiest to read, and are the basis for the "WOCE netCDF" data files.
The WOCE Hydrographic Program Office (WHPO) gathers, merges, and makes available data from the WHP (CTD and water sample data); improves the adherence of data to WHP format and content specifications; and assembles and provides relevant documentation. Please visit the WHPO web site to check for new and updated data sets and for repairs of file and data problems.
The WHP profile CTD and bottle data are in the ASCII "WOCE" and "WHP-Exchange" formats and the "WOCE netCDF" formats as described in documentation provided on disk.
Click here to access data
We would like to hear from you! If you have any comments about WHPO, the online database or this disk, or any complaints or suggestions for improvement, please let us know by sending us a message.

This disk can be referenced as follows:

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
WOCE Hydrographic Program Office
La Jolla, CA 92093
S. Diggs, J. Kappa, D. Kinkade, and J. Swift
September 2002