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PC_CODE -- Parameter Codes for Surface Codes (Srfc_Code in Surface Code group; Act_Parm in History group)
ABA$ The number of piston adjustments (as counts) made during the park phase to ensure the float stays within 10-dbar of the programmed park pressure.
AC2$ A unique number constructed as system hour, minute, second,profile number
ACC$ MEDS accesion number
ACCS Accession number
AFC$ ARGOS fix code (satellite fix and location accuracy)
AFN$ APF9I firmware revision number
ANT$ Anemometer type (WMO code table 0114).
APN$ The Service Argos program number
APP$ The number of 6-second pulses of the air pump required (count)
AQA$ Argo location class code table [ARGO reference table 5]
AREA Area code used by NODC code PA = Pacific, IN = Indian, AT =Atlantic
ARG$ ARGOS ID number given to a platform, assigned by the ARGOS Project Office
BMS$ BUFR SST Method Code
BQA$ QA in buoy code form
BQZ$ Depth correction indicator (WMO code 3318)
BTP$ Buoy Type (WMO BUFR element 002149, previously WMO code table 0370)
BUOY Buoy type (BUFR element 002036)
CAST Hydrographic cast type
CCVR Total Cloud Cover in Tenths of Sky
CDE$ The difference (seconds) between the APF9Is real time clock (RTC) and GPS time. This represents clock drift.
CLDA Total Cloud Amount (WMO code 2700)
CLDT Cloud Type (WMO code 0500)
COID IFREMER unique station identifier
CP1$ The current pressure as recorded during the creation of each argos message block (centibars)
CRC$ 32 bit circular redundancy code (Special IGOSS Indicator)
CSC1 Chief Scientist's Name
CSN$ IGOSS Call Sign
DBID NODC Database Identification Number (Unique Identifier)
DDB$ The date as YYYYMMDD of deployment
DDS$ Date of first drift sample (Provor or APEX) as YYYYMMDD
DKT$ Recorder type for IGOSS BTs. This is equivalent to RCT$.
DPC$ XBT depth correction status
DRT$ The drogue type code (WMO code table 4780)
DT2$ Date at the end of a tow (Batfish)
FRA$ Fall rate (correction factor for XBT probes)
FRE$ Code for fall rate equation used. See IGOSS code table.
FRQ$ Argos system data (frequency) used for back conversion to Raw data
FTD# Fish Tag Deployment Number (generated everytime the tag is deployed)
FTT# The time as hours of each profile from the fish tag data associated with the closest fix point, and the time since that point is recorded, (how long its been since the latitude/longitude information was recorded).
GCLL Call Sign
GE1$ Contents of the first engineering group (8xxxx) in a DRIBU message
GE2$ Contents of the second engineering group (8xxxx) in a DRIBU message
GE3$ Contents of the third engineering group (8xxxx)in a DRIBU message
GG1$ Contents of the group 111 QdQx in FMB-X Buoy Code form
GG2$ Contents of the group 222 QdQx in FMB-X Buoy Code form
GG3$ Contents of the group 333 QdQx in FMB-X Buoy Code form
GGC$ The 5 character 66... group used in a TESAC message to indicate information about the subsurface data collection
GGI$ The 5 character 88.. group used in a BATHY and a TESAC message to indicate information about the subsurface profile.
GGST (2QNQLQAQz) QN=WMO-3313: Quality of the buoy satellite transmission; QL=WMO-3311: Quality of location; QA=WMO-3302: Location quality class (range of radius of 66% confidence); QZ=WMO-3318: Depth correction indicator
GNCO NODC consecutive station number
GNCR NODC Cruise Number
GNOX Position 1 = OSV Flag Position 2 = Instrument Type Position 3 = Probe Type
GOCO Originators Consec Number
GOCR Originators Cruise Number
HM2$ Hour and minute at the end of a tow (Batfish)
ICD$ Equivalent to IST$
ICEF Flag for Ice in vicinity of Hydrographic Observation
IDEN Data identifier
INS1 Institute
IOTA CSIRO Indian Ocean Temperature Identifier containing both the data source (CSIRO, BOM, LEVITUS, WOCE, NODC) as a word and the reliability of the data QC in the SRFC_Q_PARM field (IF CSIRO did QC by hand, then 1 or 2, and IF data arrived from WOD, then 7 is used.
IST$ Instrument name
ITS# International Temperature Scale
LDAT Load Date at NODC
LTN# XBT Launcher Tube Number
LYD$ Lloyds registration (Platform) number
MFD# XBT Manufacture Date (yyyymmdd) (CSIRO Code)
MRT# Reference Type (Instrument for reference temp) (OCL revised table to include types 9 and 10)
NAM$ Number of ascent messages (Provor)
NPA$ Number of pump actions in ascent (Provor)
NPS$ Number of pump actions at surface (Provor)
NSB$ Number of samples collected in the bin.
NSU$ Number of satellites used to determine the fix.
NVD$ Number of valve actions in descent (Provor)
NVS$ Number of valve actions at the surface (Provor)
OCD$ NODC OCL Database Type
OCL# NODC OCL Reference Number
OCP$ NODC OCL Platform Code (OCL-WOD 2nd header 3)
OCR$ The originator's cruise number
OEN$ Originators event identifier
OFFS The OFFSET as measured and reported by the Data Acquisition Software - SIPPICAN MK9 or 12 and/or the CSIRO DEVIL System
OID$ Originator's station identifier
OLS# NODC OCL Unique Station Number
OMV$ Oceanographic Measuring Vehicle Type
ONM1 Originator's name
PDID NODC Ocean profile database ID
PDR$ Indicates if the profile was collected on the descent (D) or the ascent (A) of the instrument
PDT$ The date as DDMMY (or yyyymmdd) of the last position (from DRIBU message)
PEQ$ Instrument make and type for water temperature measurement with fall rate coefficients if relevant (WMO Common Code Table C-3; WMO code table 1770, BUFR element 0 22 067)
PFR$ XBT probe type, fall rate equation and recorder type (WMO code 1770 and 4770)
PGID Program identification
PGSS CSIRO XBT probe-type guess, based on voyage reports and other metadata
PICD Principal Investigator (NODC OCL PI code table)
PKS$ Salinity at the end of parking phase of a profiling float
PKT$ Temperature at the parking depth of a profiling float
PLAT Platform Code (NODC/ICES 4 bytes)
PLTN MEDS Ship Platname
PNM1 Platform name
POI$ The number of STP spot-samples collected during the profile and does not include the park-level spot-sample.
POTP Temperature measured by Optode Sensor at the end of Park phase of a profiling float (degrees C)
POXY Dissolved Oxygen at the end of Park phase of a profiling float (mmol/m**3)
PRHB Probe Hit Bottom Indicator (GF3 Code: 0 = no, 1 = yes)
PRJ$ Project Name
PRK$ The depth or pressure of the parking depth of a profiling float. Units are the same as reported in the profile
PRO1 NODC project code (same as PROJ)
PROJ NODC project code
PRT$ XBT probe type (WMO code 1770)
PTM$ The time as HHMM/ of the last position (from DRIBU message)
PTT$ The Service Argos ptt number
QAF$ QC tests "Fail" - AOML
QAO$ Quality control performed at AOML
QAP$ QC tests "Performed" - AOML
QCF$ QC tests "Fail" - MEDS
QCP$ QC tests "Performed" - MEDS
QIF$ The indicator encoding which QC tests from Institute Maurice Lamontagne were failed
QNF$ QC tests "Fail" - NODC
QNP$ QC tests "Performed" - NODC
QOF$ QC tests "Fail" - AODC
QOP$ QC tests "Performed" - AODC
QP1$ QC tests "Performed" - APDRC
QP1# QC tests "Fail" for PSAL - APDRC
QP9$ QC tests "Performed" (editing other than by NODC or Science QC Center)
QP9# QC tests "Fail" for PSAL (editing other than by NODC or Science QC Center)
QPS# QC tests "Fail" for PSAL - NODC
QRF$ QC tests "Fail" - CSIRO
QRP$ QC tests "Performed" - CSIRO
QSF$ QC tests "Fail" - SCRIPPS
QSP$ QC tests "Performed" - SCRIPPS
QT1# QC tests "Fail" for TEMP - APDRC
QT9# QC tests "Fail" for TEMP (editing other than by NODC or Science QC Center)
QTE# QC tests "Fail" for TEMP - NODC
RCT$ XBT recorder type (WMO code 4770)
RCT# XBT recorder type (NODC-OCL modification of WMO code 4770)
REP$ Records that one or more profiles have replicate samples at one or more depths. The profiles affected are encoded in the same way QCF$, QCP$are set
RTC$ Reference temperature code. See REF_TEMP.CODES
SAT$ Satellite identifier
SCAL The SCALING Factor reported by the Data Acquisition Systems - Also used to calibrate the temperature data from the XBT
SCT$ Status of the Seabird CTD
SEAS Sea State (WMO code 3700)
SEC$ SEAS Unique Identifier
SER# The SERIAL Number of the Probe
SER1 Instrument Serial Number
SHP# Ship name
SPF$ Status of the profiling Float
SSSL Sea Surface Salinity (pre-1978 definition) (grams/kilogram)
STM# Sea surface temperature method
SVR$ SEAS version number
SYS$ System recorder
TCID IFREMER TOGA Center Unique Database ID
TFF$ Float time (Provor) as HHMMSS
TGP$ The time to obtain a GPS fix
TIME Time within day in format HHMMSS
TWI# SOOP Line Number
UKH$ UKHO Bibliographic Reference Number
VDIC Wave direction (WMO code 0877)
VIS# Horizontal Visibility (WMO code 4300)
VISB Horizontal Visibility (WMO code 4300)
VISC Horizontal Visibility (WMO code 4300)
VSB# Horizontal Visibility (WMO code 4300)
WAT$ Argos system data (WAIT) used for back conversion to Raw data
WCF$ WMO Code form designator eq. IB-XBUOY
WCL$ Water color (NODC-OCL extension of Forel-Ule scale)
WCLR Water colour (Forel-Ule scale)
WDC$ Wind direction code (octants)
WDIC Wind direction (WMO code 0877)
WDR# Wind direction (WMO code 0877 / 0885)
WFBS Wind Force on Beaufort Scale
WMO$ WMO platform identifier number
WSC$ Wind force code (code translates to knots)
WVD# Wave direction (WMO code 0877)
WVH$ Wave height (NODC OCL Code)
WVH# Wave height (WMO Code Table 1555)
WVP$ Wave period (NODC code 0378)
WVP# Wave period (WMO code 3155)
WVR# Wave direction (WMO code 0877 / 0885)
WWC# Present weather (WMO code 4501)
WWCD Present Weather (WMO Code 4677)
XDIN XBT digitization Interval (NODC-0613)
XDMT XBT digitization Method (NODC-0612)
XINS Instrument type
XTRS XBT data Treatment and Storage (NODC-0614)