Gulf of Mexico Historical Data and Information
Climatologies & Data
Gulf of Mexico Regional Climatologies
A set of mean fields for temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, silicate, and nitrate.
- Choose either "Data" or "Figures" for the desired parameter
- For "Data": choose your grid, select the desired field and format, and then press "Update data links"
- For "Figures": choose figure type, time period, depth and grid, then press "Show Figure"
World Ocean Database can be queried for in situ measured temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, pressure, pH, alkalinity, CO2, plankton, chlorophyll, and many more in the Gulf of Mexico, including searching by instrument types.
NCEI Ocean Data Archives
NCEI Ocean Data Archives - Our archives contain over 900 individual packages of data (accessions) for the Gulf of Mexico.
NOAA Central Library
Resources on Oil Spills, Response, and Restoration: A Selected Bibliography - information concerned both with the harmful effects of oil and chemical spills to marine habitats and their associated living marine resources and with the cultural and economic impacts caused by such spills.
Interactive Maps
- NODC's National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC) Coastal Ecosystems Map
- NOAA Habitat Restoration Monitoring (NOHARM)
- Eastern Gulf Coastal Water Temperatures
- Western Gulf Coastal Water Temperatures
- Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch
- Gulf of Mexico Marine Debris Project
CDs and DVDs
- NOAA Marine Environmental Buoy Data: CD disc 3 (data up to Dec. 1997)
- Gulf of Mexico Hydrographic and Marine Mammal Data (CD-ROM)
- The Louisiana - Texas Shelf Physical Oceanography Program (LATEX)
Data: current meter, buoy data, CTD data, inverted echo sounder, XBTs, wave data, CTDs, ADCP (CD-ROM 5 discs). LATEX project data is also available for downloading from the NCEI Ocean Data Archives
Satellite Data
Gulf of Mexico Satellite Climatologies
Other Projects and Information
- Historical Buoy Data, Eastern and Western Gulf of Mexico: water temp, wind speed, air temp, wave data, pressure
- Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS), Flower Garden Banks Regional Portal
- Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)
- Data and Information collected from support of the IXTOC oil spill incident in 1979
- Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Atlas, Gulf of Mexico, Upper Coast of Texas 1996, Louisiana 2003, Mississippi 2009, Alabama 2007, Florida 1995-2003 maps and geographic information systems data. ESI is a widely used approach to sensitive environment mapping in the U.S.
- Gulf of Mexico Offshore Monitoring Experiment (GOOMEX): marine chemistry, fish & shell-fish surveys, benthic organisms, pollutants, and current meter data.
- CHEMO II: Stability and Change in Gulf of Mexico Chemosynthetic Communities.