Summary of Oceanographic Observation on board Research Vessels

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Oceanographic observation data are stored on the CD-ROM in four kinds of files:
  1. Hydrographic data (filename: xxyymm.E)
  2. Subsurface temperature data (xxyymm.T)
  3. Subsurface current data (xxyymm.A)
  4. Plankton data (
xx: Ship Code [listed in Table]
yy: Year
mm: Month
tp: Type of Plankton [ZP: zooplankton, PP: phytoplankton]

These files consist of ASCII records of fixed lengths (126 bytes except Plankton data [73 bytes]). Each record is separated by two characters like as in DOS, which are one "control M" (carriage return, ASCII code 0Dh) and one "control J" (line feed, ASCII code 0Ah).

For a missing value, the character '-'(ASCII code 2Dh) is put in place of the measured value. The column of the parameter that was not observed is filled with blanks.

Ship code.
Code Ship Name
KO Kofu Maru
RF Ryofu Maru
KE Keifu Maru
SH Shumpu Maru
NC Chofu Maru
SM Seifu Maru