File Format of Plankton data

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File Format
Element name Start Pos. Field Type Description of Field
Station No 1 A2,I4 Staion number given by the ship code suffixed with four digits consective numbers.
Sub Stn No 8 A5 Sub staion number.
Latitude 14 I2,1X,I2 Degrees, minutes of latitude.
Longitude 20 I3,1X,I2 Degrees, minutes of longitude.
Date/Time 27 2(I2,1X),2I2 Month, day and time of an observation in JST.
Depth 38 A6 Range of towed depths in meters.
Water Strained 45 F5.1 Amount of water in cubic meters as determined by the flow meter.
Wet Weight 51 I5 Wet weight given in milligrams per cubic meters.
Name Code 61 I5 Name code defined by JODC (Listed in Table below).
Number 67 I7 Total numbers per liter (Phytoplankton) or per ten cubic meters (zooplankton).

Name codes of plankton.
Code Name