Format of Hydrographic Data

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Hydrographic data consist of 4 types of records: HEADER-1, HEADER-2, HEADER-3 and DATA. HEADER-1 represents the cruise information. HEADER-2 and HEADER-3 represent station information and remarks, respectively. DATA include observation data at the station.

The data files are composed of HEADER-1 and station data groups. HEADER-1 is always located at the beginning of the file. The station data groups are composed of HEADER-2, HEADER-3 and DATA. The character '@' on the "REC_IND" of DATA represents the end record of the station data group.

HEADER-1 (Cruise Information)
Element name Start Pos. Field Type Description of Field
Format Code 1 A4 Format Code of the file: 'E2.1'
Cruise No 6 I4 Cruise number identified with the year and the month.
Period 11 2(2I2,1X) Date of beginning and end of the observation.
Area 21 A98 Observation area.
No of Stn 119 I4 Number of stations.
Ship Code 124 A2 Ship Code (listed in Table)
REC_IND 126 A1 '@'

HEADER-2 (Station Information)
Element name Start Pos. Field Type Description of Field
Station No 1 A3,I4 Staion number given by the ship code suffixed with four digits consective numbers.
Latitude 9 I2,1X,I2,I1,A1 Degrees, minutes and tenths of minutes (if given) of latitude, N or S.
Longitude 17 I3,1X,I2,I1,A1 Degrees, minutes and tenths of minutes (if given) of longitudes, E or W.
Date/Time 26 2(I2,1X,I2,1X,2I2,1X) Month, day and time of beginning and end of a hydrographic cast in the Japan Standard Time (JST), which is nine hours ahead of th Universal Time (UT).
W-Depth 48 I4 Water depth to the bottom in meters.
W-Color 54 I2 Color of sea in Forel-Ure scale.
Trans 57 I2,1X,I2,1X Transparency in meters with wire angle in parentheses, as determined by Secchi Disk.
SSF-No 102 A3,I3 Corresponding station number of the subsurface temperature data.
ACM-No 109 A3,I3 Corresponding station number of the subsurface current data.
Sub Stn No 116 A6 Sub station number.
Cruise No 122 I4
REC_IND 126 A1 '='

HEADER-3 (Station Remarks)
Element name Start Pos. Field Type Description of Field
Station No 1 A3,I4
Remarks9A82Remarks of the station.
Param Inf91A35 Information of additional parameters in "DATA"
REC_IND 126 A1 '='

DATA (Observation Data)
Element nameStart Pos.Field Type Description of Field
Station No 1 A3,I4
Time92I2 Sampling time in JST.
Depth(OBS)17I4 Depth of sampling in meters.
Temp(OBS)22F5.2 CTD temperature in "the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90)"
Sal(OBS)28F6.3 CTD salinity in "the practical salinity scale, 1978 (PSS-78)"
DO35I3 Concentration of dissolved oxygen in micro mol per liter as determined by the Winkler Method.
PO4-P39F4.2 Inorganic phosphate-phosphorus in micro mol per liter as determined by the reduction method using ascorbic acid (Strickland and Parsons, 1965).
T-P44F4.2 Total phosphorus in micro mol per liter as determined using the pottasium persulfate decomposition method.
NO3-N49F4.1 Nitrate-nitrogen in micro mol per liter as determined by the Muellin-Riley method using copper-cadmium reduction column.
NO2-N54F4.2 Nitrite-nitrogen in micro mol per liter as determined by the Bendschneider and Robinson method (Strickland and Parsons, 1965).
NH3-N59F4.2 Ammonia-nitrogen in micro mol per liter as determined by the modified indophenol method.
PH64F4.2 Hydrogen-ion concentration at 25 degrees centigrade as determined by the pH meter.
CHL69F6.2 Chlorophyll a in micrograms per liter as determined by the fluorometric technique.
PHA76F6.2 Phaeopigments in micrograms per liter as determined by the fluorometric technique.
(Add Param) 83 (Additional parameter.)
Depth(STD)94I4 Standard depths in meters.
Temp(STD)99F5.2 CTD temperature in ITS-90
Sal(STD)105F6.3 CTD salinity in PSS-78"
D-ST 116 I4 Thermosteric anomaly in 10^8 m^3/kg.
DELTA-D 121 F5.3 Geopotential anomaly in 10 m^2/sec^2.
REC_IND 126 A1 '@'(Last Record of station) or '='