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CODAS zipfiles to install

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Installing from Zip archives

This is the way of the past. This will provide you with a stable CODAS installation that works with most datasets produced by UHDAS, VmDAS, or DAS2.48 for the following RDI ADCPs:

  • OS150, OS75, OS38
  • NB150
  • WH300
  • BB75

No plotting or data manipulation is done in Python with this distribution, but Python is used as the overall scripting language.

New installation

Follow the instructions below for obtaining zip archives and installing them. NOTE: When you install our matlab code, there will be no “m_map” included. If you wish to use “m_map”, you should either copy the version you were using before (from your renamed directory) or download a new version, if appropriate. See the “matlab” portion of the discussion about paths, below.

  1. Install Python 2.5 or 2.6
  2. Install Matlab (up through R2007b); we have not tried R2008
  3. Install CODAS programs from zip archives
  4. Set up your paths:


There really isn’t such a thing as an upgrade, only a re-installation. Move your present “programs” directory to another name for safekeeping, then follow the instructions below for a new installation.

Pay attention to the section about paths (matlab path, python path, path to executables) below: you will have to alter your present configuration to find files in new locations, as the code has been reorganized since the last release.