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CODAS zipfiles to installΒΆ

To set up for any CODAS ADCP processing, you need all of the following zip archives from us. Save these zip files to disk before unzipping them. Zip archives are located here.

See below for specific instructions. What to download

  1. : Matlab files.

  2. Zip archive of executables, specific to your operating system:

    • : binaries for Win95/NT/XP (command line)
    • : binaries for linux for Intel processor
    • : binaries for linux for Intel 64-bit processor
    • : binaries for MAC PowerPC processor
    • : binaries for MAC intel processor
    • other operating systems : see installing with mercurial.
  3. : Python code for for setting up the processing tree and running the processing.

  4. documentation, including CODAS, ADCP processing, reading LTA or single-ping data with matlab, downloads and setup...

  5. required for any processing of ADCP data This contains the directory tree of a completely processed dataset (“demo”). The original pindata demo is the dataset used in an extensively documented tutorial. If you want to see what the final directory tree looks like after processing manually, download this zip file. This directory also contains necessary template material for setting up a new processing tree.

  6. No matter what, you should get the original demo, run using This is the best-documented processing example, and (though old) contains the fundamentals of CODAS processing.

    You should also get examples of what the processing looks like for your particular kind of data. Examples of CODAS processing are available for other sonar and acquisition combinations:

    • RDI’s VmDAS averaged (LTA) and single-ping (ENX) data
    • Univ Hawaii acquisition and processing
    • Revelle’s HDSS sonar
  7. Optional but recommended:

    • for CODAS source code; even if you don’t want to modify anything, this can be useful for finding out what the programs really do. It is not required, however, unless you need to recompile for your particular system. This is advisable if you use anything other than Windows, OSX (ppc or intel) or a recent Linux distribution. Compilation should work for any reasonably Unix-like system, but require some configuration changes. A new build system has been implemented and replaces the original source directory.
  8. Old examples or demos: (no longer supported, might work...)

    • for the Broadband Transect demo, if you are so unfortunate as to be stuck with a shipboard BB instrument and have data acquired with Transect. In this case you still need and should work through the regular tutorial before the Transect version. The latter covers only aspects that are specific to Transect files. Processing of NB Transect files is very similar, so if you are stuck with them, look at this demo. There will probably never be a NBTransect demo (please try not to collect any more NB Transect files). RDI’s new software (VmDAS) is far superior to Transect should you be using a BB instrument.

Everything is archived using the “zip” utility from InfoZip (, and should be installed using “unzip” or a Windows equivalent. You almost certainly already have one of these, or, if using Linux, can add it from your distribution. If you don’t, see the Info-ZIP website for current downloads. If you have access to ftp only, then go to and find the subdirectory for your particular system.

All zip files are intended to be unzipped in the SAME DIRECTORY (denoted PROGRAMS in various documentation). You must preserve the path (folder) information; do not unzip as a collection of files without retaining the directory structure.

Your “adcp_programs” directory should look something like this when you’re done:


HINT: Try unzipping one archive first to make sure it does what you expect. Adjust accordingly. For example, in Windows “extract all”, specify the path to “adcp_programs” and the files should be extracted in the right place – no need to specify subdirectories.

NOTE: These subdirectory trees and the files they contain should not be changed by users. For example, don’t run the tutorial where it lands when you unzip it. Make your own processing directories for testing.

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