Image of the Temperature/Salinity Vertical Sections on board Research Vessels

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The six vessels of the JMA have been periodically performing oceanographic observations along the fixed lines. The lines are shown below.

The vertical sections of temperature and salinity along each line in 1998 are prepared as GIF files and PostScript files, which are stored on this CD-ROM. In a file named as "llxxyymm.GIF" or "llxxyymm.EPS", the codes ll, xx, and yymm indicate the line [listed in the table below], ship code and cruise number, respectively.

Line Code and Image file list
CodeLineImage files
PHPH KO9801, KO9804, KO9806, KO9810, KO9811
KM144 E KO9801, KO9804, KO9806, KO9810, KO9811
PTPT KE9801, RF9804, RF9809
PA137 E RF9801, KE9804, RF9806, KE9810
PD165 E RF9806, RF9809
PKPK SH9801, SH9804, SH9806, SH9808, SH9810
ILI SH9804, SH9806, SH9808, SH9810
PNPN NC9801, NC9804, NC9806, NC9810, NC9811
TKTK NC9801, NC9804, NC9810, NC9811
PMPM SM9801, SM9804, SM9806, SM9810, SM9811
GLG SM9801, SM9804, SM9806, SM9810, SM9811
