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OCADSAccess DataNDP-079NDP-079 - a08sta.dat (File 4)

a08sta.dat (File 4)

This file provides station inventory information for each station occupied during the R/V Meteor cruise along WOCE Section A8. Each line of the file contains an expocode, section number, station number, cast number, sampling date (month/date/year), sampling time, latitude, longitude, and sounding depth. The file is sorted by station number and can be read by using the following FORTRAN 90 code [contained in stainv.for (File 2)]:

           INTEGER stat, cast, depth
           CHARACTER expo*9, sect*3, date*10, time*4
           REAL latdcm, londcm

           read (1, 10, end=999) expo, sect, stat, cast, date, time,
         1 latdcm, londcm, depth

     10    format (A9, 4X, A3, 3X, I3, 5X, I1, 3X, A10, 2X, A4, 3X,
         1 F7.3, 3X, F8.3, 3X, I4)

Stated in tabular form, the contents include the following:

Variable Variable type Variable width Starting column Ending column
expo Character 9 1 9
sect Character 3 14 16
stat Numeric 3 20 22
cast Numeric 1 28 28
date Character 10 32 41
time Character 4 44 47
latdcm Numeric 7 51 57
londcm Numeric 8 61 68
depth Numeric 4 72 75

The variables are defined as follows:

expo  -  is the expocode of the cruise;
sect  -  is the WOCE section number;
stat  -  is the station number;
cast  -  is the cast number;
date  -  is the sampling date (month/day/year);
time  -  is the sampling time [Greenwich mean time (GMT)];
latdcm  -  is the latitude of the station (in decimal degrees; negative values indicate the Southern Hemisphere);
londcm  -  is the longitude of the station (in decimal degrees; negative values indicate the Western Hemisphere);
depth  -  is the sounding depth of the station (in meters).
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:28Z