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OCADSAccess DataNDP-067NDP-067 - *w.txt (Files 4-12)

*w.txt (Files 4-12)

These 9 data files contain the underway measurements of surface seawater fCO2 and hydrographic parameters made by participants in the systems intercomparison exercise during the R/V Meteor Cruise 36/1 in the North Atlantic Ocean. All files have the same ASCII format and can be read by using the following FORTRAN 77 code [contained in fco2wat.for (File 2)]:

    CHARACTER date*10, time*8
    INTEGER course
    REAL latdcm, londcm, speed, temp, salt, press, fco2a, fco2b
    REAL fco2c, fco2d, fco2e, fco2f, fco2g, fco2h

    read (1, 10, end=999) date, time, latdcm, londcm, speed,
   1 course, temp, salt, press, fco2a, fco2b, fco2c, fco2d, 
   2 fco2e, fco2f, fco2g, fco2h
 10  format (2X, A10, 4X, A8, 4X, F7.4, 4X, F8.4, 4X, F4.1, 
   1 2X, I3, 5X, F5.2, 3X, F5.2, 3X, F6.1, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2,
   2 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2)

Stated in tabular form, the contents include the following:

Variable Variable type Variable width Starting column Ending column
date Character 10 3 12
time Character 8 17 24
latdcm Numeric 7 29 35
londcm Numeric 8 40 47
speed Numeric 4 52 55
course Numeric 3 58 60
temp Numeric 5 66 70
salt Numeric 5 74 78
press Numeric 6 82 87
fco2a Numeric 7 89 95
fco2b Numeric 7 97 103
fco2c Numeric 7 105 111
fco2d Numeric 7 113 119
fco2e Numeric 7 121 127
fco2f Numeric 7 129 135
fco2g Numeric 7 137 143
fco2h Numeric 7 145 151

The variables are defined as follows:

date  -  is the sampling date (day/month/year);
time  -  is the sampling time [Greenwich mean time (GMT)];
latdcm  -  is the latitude of the sampling location (decimal degrees; negative values indicate the Southern Hemisphere);
londcm  -  is the longitude of the sampling location (decimal degrees; negative values indicate the Western Hemisphere);
speed  -  is the speed of the ship during the measurements (kn);
course  -  is the course of the ship during the measurements (degrees);
temp  -  is the sea-surface temperature (C);
salt  -  is the sea-surface salinity [on the Practical Salinity Scale (PSS)];
press  -  is theµatmospheric pressure (hPA);
fco2a  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory A;
fco2b  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory B;
fco2c  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory C;
fco2d  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory D;
fco2e  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory E;
fco2f  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory F;
fco2g  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory G;
fco2h  -  is the underway fugacity of CO2 in surface seawater (µatm) measured by the laboratory H.
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z