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xco2waterdat.for (File 2)

This file contains a FORTRAN 77 data-retrieval routine to read and print all *water.dat files. The following is a listing of this program. For additional information regarding variable definitions, variable lengths, variable types, units, and codes, please see the description for *water.dat files.

      c* This is a Fortran 77 retrieval code to read and format the underway   
      c* surface seawater xCO2 and hydrographic measurements from the WOCE
      c* Indian Ocean survey cruises (*water.dat files)
            INTEGER  flag
            REAL jday, equitmp, atmpre, eqxco2, lat, lon
            REAL temp, sal, xco2sst, eaxco2
            CHARACTER sect*11, date*8, time*8
            OPEN (unit=1, file='input.dat')
            OPEN (unit=2, file='output.dat')
            write (2, 5)

    5       format (2X,'SECTION',7X,'DATE',6X,'TIME',5X,'JULIAN',2X,
        1   'EQUIL_TMP',2X,'ATM_PRES',3X,'XCO2_DRY_AIR',4X,'XCO2',2X,
        2   'LATIT',3X,'LONGIT',3X,'SUR_TMP',2X,'SUR_SAL',1X,
        3   'XCO2_DRY_AIR', 1X, 'EST_ATM_XCO2',/,5X,'#',11X,'GMT',7X,
        4   'GMT',6X,'DATE',5X,'DEG_C',6X,'ATM',4X,'AT_EQUIL_TMP_PPM',
        5   1X,'QC_FL',3X,'DCM',6X,'DCM',5X,'DEG_C',5X,'PSS',4X,
        6   'AT_SST_PPM',2X,'DRY_AIR_PPM',/) 

            read (1, 6)
    6      format (//////)
    7      CONTINUE
            read (1, 10, end=999) sect, date, time, jday, equitmp,
        1  atmpre, eqxco2, flag, lat, lon, temp, sal, xco2sst, eaxco2

    10     format (1X, A11, 2X, A8, 2X, A8, 2X, F7.3, 3X, F7.4, 4X,
        1  F7.5, 5X, F7.3, 8X, I1, 2X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 2X, F7.4, 2X,
        2  F7.4, 4X, F7.3, 5X, F7.3)

            write (2, 20) sect, date, time, jday, equitmp, 
        1  atmpre, eqxco2, flag, lat, lon, temp, sal, xco2sst, eaxco2
    20     format (1X, A11, 2X, A8, 2X, A8, 2X, F7.3, 3X, F7.4, 4X, 
        1  F7.5, 5X, F7.3, 8X, I1, 2X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 2X, F7.4, 2X,
        2  F7.4, 4X, F7.3, 5X, F7.3)

            GOTO 7
    999   close(unit=5)    
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z