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OCADSAccess DataNDP-028NDP-028 - Table 5

Table 5

Listing of the varialbes, format, definitions, units, and codes contained in the vertical station data of the US-USSR Weddell Polynya Expedition (WEPOLEX-81), ndp028.ver.

Variable Column Format Definition
Header 1 - Station Number
STATNO 1-10 A10 Station number
Header 2 - Starting Position and Time
STATDG 2-3 I2 Starting latitude, degrees.
SLATMN 5-9 F5.2 Starting latitude, minutes in decimal degrees.
SLATDR 10 A1 Starting latitude direction, North or South, (N or S).
SLONDG 12-13 I2 Starting longitude, degrees.
SLONMN 15-19 F5.2 Starting longitude, minutes in decimal degrees.
SLONDR 20 A1 Starting longitude direction, East or West, (E or W).
STIME 22-25 I4 Starting time.
YEAR 27-28 I2 Starting year.
MON 30-31 I2 Starting month.
DAYS 33-34 I2 Starting day.
Header 3 - Ending Position and Time
ELATDG 2-3 I2 Ending latitude, degrees.
ELATMN 5-9 F5.2 Ending latitude, minutes in decimal degrees.
ELATDR 10 A1 Ending latitude direction, North or South (N or S).
ELONDG 12-13 I2 Ending longitude, degrees.
ELONMN 15-19 F5.2 Ending longitude, minutes in decimal degrees.
ELONDR 20 A1 Ending longitude direction, East or West (E or W).
ETIME 22-25 I4 Ending time.
Vertical station data
DEPTH 1-4 I4 Sample depth in meters.
FLAG 5 A1 flag
TEM 9-14 F6.3 Water temperature in °C.
SALNTY 18-23 F6.3 Calculated salinity.
PHH 28-32 F5.3 pH at 25°C.
TALK 38-41 I4 Total alkalinity.
NCA1 44-47 A4 Calcium sample 1 in µmol/kg.
NCA2 48-51 A4 Calcium sample 2 in µmol/kg.
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z