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OCADSAccess DataNDP-028NDP-028 - Table 3

Table 3

Listing of the varialbes, format, definitions, units, and codes contained in the surface sample data collected along the cruise track of the US-USSR Weddell Polynya Expedition (WEPOLEX-81), ndp028.sur.

Variable Column Format Definition
MONTH 1-2 I2 Month
DAY 4-5 I2 Day
SAMPLE 6 A1 Character code represenative of sample number (A-G).
TIME 8-11 I4 Local Time
LATDEG 13-14 I2 Latitude Degrees
LATMIN 16-17 I2 Latitude Minutes
LATDIR 18 A1 Latitude Direction
LONDEG 20-21 I2 Longitude Degrees
LONMIN 23-24 I2 Longitude Minutes
LONDIR 25 A1 Longitude Direction
SALIN 30-35 F6.3 Salinity.
TEMP 41-45 F5.2 Water Temperature in °C.
PH 49-53 F5.3 Concurrent pH at 25°C.
TOTALK 56-59 I4 Total Alkalinity measured from potentiometric titration
TA 61-65 A12 Total Alkalinity measured from single-point titration in µeg/l.
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z