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OCADSAccess DataNDP-028NDP-028 - Data Summary

Data Summary

Carbonate data for the Weddell Sea are provided from both surface samples taken along the cruise track of the US-USSR Weddell Polynya Expedition (WEPOLEX-81) and from samples taken at vertical stations. The expedition aboard the Soviet icebreaker SOMOV began on October 9, 1981 and ended on November 25, 1981.

Data from twenty-four vertical stations located in the eastern Weddell Sea include concurrent pH, calcium, total alkalinity, sample depth, water temperature, and salinity. The surface sample data include water temperature, salinity, pH, and total alkalinity.

The surface sample station information and data, including: salinity (SALIN), water temperature (TEMP), concurrent pH (PH), total alkalinity measured from potentiometric titration (TOTALK), and total alkalinity from single-point titration (TA) are formatted as follows:

 10   FORMAT(I2,1X,I2,A1,1X,I4,1X,I2,1X,I2,A1,1X,I2,1X,I2,A1,
     1  4X,F6.3,5X,F5.2,3X,F5.3,2X,I4,1X,3A4)

For the surface sampling data file (NDP028.SUR) there are a total of 91 salinity calculations, 94 water temperature readings, 91 pH readings, 78 total alkalinity measurements from potentiometric titration, and 25 total alkalinity measurements from single-point titration.

The vertical station data including sample depth (DEPTH), water temperature (TEM), salinity (SALNTY), concurrent pH (PHH), total alkalinity (TALK), and calcium (NCA) are formatted as follows:

205   FORMAT(I4,A1,3X,F6.3,3X,F6.3,4X,F5.3,5X,I4,2X,2A4)

For the vertical station data file (NDP028.VER) there are a total of 305 water temperature readings and salinity calculations, 304 pH readings, 305 total alkalinity measurements, and 47 calcium measurements.

All missing values are represented in the data files as blank fields.

Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z