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OCADSAccess DataNDP-027NDP-027 - Table 2

Table 2

Listing of the varialbes, format, definitions, units, and codes contained in the radiocarbon data for the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans (ndp027.atl, ndp027.pac, and ndp027.ind).

Variable Column Format Definition
Header Record 1
MREC 2 I2 Multi-record station
Zero = single-record
Non-Zero = multi-record
NATION 3-5 A3 Originators nationality
ROSID 14-16 I2 Rosette/Niskin ID
SQ 17-22 I4 Canadian 10-degree square
ONESQ 23-24 I2 Canadian one-degree square
TWOSQ 25-26 I2 Canadian two-degree square
FIVESQ 27 I1 Canadian five-degree square
HEMLAT 28 A1 Hemisphere of latitude
DEGLAT 29-30 I2 Degrees latitude
MINLAT 31-32 I2 Minutes Latitude
MINTEN 33 I1 Minutes Latitude, tenths
HEMLON 34 A1 Hemisphere of longitude
E or W
DEGLON 35-37 I3 Degrees longitude
MINLON 39-40 I2 Minutes longitude
LONTEN 41 I1 Minutes longitude, tenths
YEAR 42-43 I2 Year of cruise
Month 44-45 I2 Month of year, GMT
Day 46-47 I2 Day of year, GMT
CODE 48-56 A9 Alphanumeric ship code
Knorr - research vessel used for the Atlantic Ocean cruise. Melville - research vessel used for the Pacific and Indian Ocean cruises.
BDEPTH 57-61 I5 Depth to bottom in meters.
ODEPTH 71-74 I4 First observed depth in meters.
SDEPTH 75-78 I4 Maximum sampling depth in meters.
Header Record 2
CRUISE 1-17 A17 Originator's cruise
30 = Atlantic Ocean
31 = Pacific Ocean
135 = Indian Ocean
STATN 18-26 A9 Originator's station (sequence #)
NUMOBS 63-64 I2 Number of observed depths.
NUMDET 68-69 I2 Number of detail depths.
Data Record
CAST 3-4 I2 Cast number.
BOT 5-6 I2 Bottle or barrell number.
DEPTH 7-13 I5 Sampling depth in meters (Determined from pressure and density).
TEMP 14-21 F6.3 Potential temperature in degrees Celsius.
SALIN 22-29 F6.3 Salinity g/kg sea water.
C14 30-37 F6.1 Delta C-14, measured in mil at the University of Washington.
CARB14 38-45 F6.1 Delta C-14, measured in Mil at the University of Miami.
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z