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NOAA Satellite and Information Service

Temperature Yearly, Pentadal, and 3-Monthly Anomaly Figures

Yearly anomaly figures are presented for years 1955 - 2004 (0 - 700 meters, 16 standard levels) and for years 2005 - 2019 (0 - 2000 meters, 26 standard levels).
3-Monthly anomaly figures are presented for years 1955 - 2004 (0 - 700 meters, 16 standard levels) and for years 2005 - present (0 - 2000 meters, 26 standard levels).
Pentadal anomaly figures are presented for years 1955-59 - 2015-2019 (0 - 2000 meters, 26 standard levels).

To view figures:
Yearly anomaly: 1. select depth from 'DEPTHS' menu 2. check 'YEARS' radio button, select year from 'YEARS' menu 3. press 'Show Figure' button.
3-Monthly anomaly: 1. select depth from 'DEPTHS' menu 2. select year from 'YEARS' menu (do not check radio button) 3. check 'MONTHS' radio button, select 3-month period 4. press 'Show Figure' button.
Pentadal anomaly: 1. select depth from 'DEPTHS' menu 2. check 'PENTADS' radio button, select time period from menu 3. press 'Show Figure' button.


  Last modified:    Sat Jul 27 01:58:56 2024
Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NCEI
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