Coastal Water Temperature Observations

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The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has carried out water temperature observations at stations along the Japanese coast [Map]. Table 2-1 shows the names, the positions and the observation periods of the 21 stations whose data are available in this CD-ROM.

Water temperature had been measured at 10:00 JST (Japan Standard Time) every day with a mercury thermometer until 1970/80s. In 1970/80s, self-recording apparatus with resistance thermometer were introduced at the stations except Sakata in the months shown in Table 2-1. JMA discontinued the observation on November 1993 at Naze and on March 1995 at other 13 stations. Since April 1995, water temperature has been observed at 7 stations: Esashi, Miyako, Onahama, Omaezaki, Hachijojima, Hamada and Ishigaki. Hourly sampling has been made at the 7 stations since April 1996.

The coastal water temperature data are provided in the files named COAST98J, COAST98D, and COAST98H.nnn, where nnn is the last 3 figures of WMO station index.

COAST98J contains historical time series of 10-day and monthly mean values at the 21 stations during the period shown in Table 2-1. The file consists of half-yearly records which include the first 10-day mean, the second 10-day mean, the last 10-day mean, and the monthly mean in the former or latter half of the year. The records also include the WMO station index, the year and the period indicator: "A" or "B", which indicates the former or latter half of the year. The 10-day or monthly mean value is specified as "999" in case of more than 20% of the data are missing during the period. The format is shown in Table 2-3.

COAST98D contains daily observed temperatures at 10:00 JST at the 21 stations during the period shown in Table 2-2. The file consists of monthly records which include daily observed temperatures in the month, the WMO station index, the year and the month. The format is shown in Table 2-4.

COAST98H.nnn contains hourly observed temperatures at each station for the period from March 1996 to December 1998. The file consists of daily records which contain the temperatures observed every hour from 01 to 24 JST in the day, the WMO station index, the year, the month and the day. The format is shown in Table 2-5.

Table 2-1. List of stations in the file COAST98J and related information.
StationWMO station indexPostition
COAST98J Data are available from Introduction of the resistance thermometer COAST98J Data are available to
45-25 N141-41E
Sep. 1938Feb. 1981Mar. 1995
42-48 N140-14 E
Jan. 1908Mar. 1984Mar. 1995
42-10 N142-47 E
Nov. 1940Oct. 1980Mar. 1995
41-52 N140-08 E
Jan. 1941Apr. 1984Dec. 1998
44-21 N143-22 E
Jan. 1957Jul. 1983Mar. 1995
39-39 N141-58 E
Sep. 1927Nov. 1978Dec. 1998
Sakata (Tobishima)47587
38-54 N139-51 E
Jan. 1934-Mar. 1995
36-57 N140-54 E
Jan. 1936Jun. 1976Dec. 1998
37-23 N136-54 E
Jan. 1932Feb. 1978Mar. 1995
34-36 N138-13 E
May 1934Aug. 1983Dec. 1998
Tateyama (Mera)47672
34-59 N139-52 E
Aug. 1982Aug. 1982Mar. 1995
33-06 N139-47 E
Jan. 1936Aug. 1972Dec. 1998
36-12 N133-20 E
Nov. 1939Jul. 1983Mar. 1995
34-54 N132-04 E
Dec. 1941Jul. 1985Dec. 1998
33-27 N135-46 E
Jan. 1939Jul. 1982Mar. 1995
Shimizu (Ashizuri)47898
32-43 N133-01 E
Jan. 1946Jul. 1983Mar. 1995
34-12 N129-18 E
Jan. 1934Aug. 1986Mar. 1995
32-12 N130-02 E
Jun. 1955Jun. 1985Mar. 1995
28-23 N129-30 E
Jan. 1939Jul. 1984Nov. 1993
24-20 N124-10 E
Jan. 1914Sep. 1981Dec. 1998
26-12 N127-41 E
Jan. 1936Jul. 1982Mar. 1995

Table 2-2. Data available periods of COAST98D and COAST98H.nnn
Station COAST98D Data are available
COAST98H.nnn Data are available
Feb. 1981Mar. 1995
Mar. 1984Mar. 1995
Oct. 1980Mar. 1995
Apr. 1984Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Jul. 1983Mar. 1995
Nov. 1978Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Sakata (Tobishima)
Jan. 1961Mar. 1995
May. 1976Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Jan. 1961Mar. 1995
Jan. 1961Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Tateyama (Mera)
Aug. 1982Mar. 1995
Jan. 1961Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Jul. 1983Mar. 1995
Jul. 1985Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Jul. 1982Mar. 1995
Shimizu (Ashizuri)
Jan. 1961Mar. 1995
Aug. 1986Mar. 1995
Jun. 1985Mar. 1995
Jul. 1984Nov. 1993
Jan. 1961Dec. 1998
Mar. 1996Dec. 1998
Jul. 1982Mar. 1995

Table 2-3. Record format of COAST98J
Element NameStart Pos. Field TypeDescription of Field
10-Day and Monthly mean water temperature 16(4I3) unit; 0.1 degrees centigrade. 999: no data. Six consecutive monthly sets of 1st, 2nd and 3rd 10-day means and monthly mean.
Station Index 73I3 The last three figures of WMO station index number.
Year 76I4
Period Indicator 80A1 "A" means former half of the year. "B" means latter half of the year.

Table 2-4. Record format of COAST98D
Element Name Start Pos. Field Type Description of Field
Station Index 1 I5 WMO station index number.
Year and Month 6 I4,I2
Water temperature 12 31(I3) unit; 0.1 degrees centigrade. 999: no data. 31 consecutive daily observed temperatures.

Table 2-5. Record format of COAST98H.nnn (nnn: Last 3 figures of WMO index number)
Element NameStart Pos. Field TypeDescription of Field
Station Index 1 I5 WMO station index number.
Year and Month 7 I4,1X,I2
Day 15 I2
Water temperature 18 24(I3) unit; 0.1 degrees centigrade. 999: no data. 24 consecutive daily observed temperatures.