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OCADSColumn Header standards for Profile Data

Table 1. Recommended column header abbreviations, recommended units, and brief descriptions, for discrete chemical oceanographic observations. In this table, CTD refers to the group of instruments for measuring conductivity (salinity), temperature, and depth, and CTD-rosette to the complete system of Niskin bottles (used for seawater sampling) on a frame together with the CTD. "N/A" means not applicable. "DP" is short for decimal places, or the number of digits after the decimal point. For more information, please check out Jiang et al., 2022.

Full unit DP Description
EXPOCODE N/A N/A Expedition code consists of the four-digit International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) platform code and the date of departure from port (UTC) in ISO8601 format (YYYYMMDD). For example, a research expedition onboard NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown (ICES code: 33RO) leaving the port on August 27, 2015 (Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC) would have an EXPOCODE of 33RO20150827.
Cruise_ID N/A N/A Cruise identification is the particular ship cruise number or other alias for the cruise. A Cruise_ID (e.g., A16N2013) could consist of a Section_ID (A16N) and the sampling year (e.g., 2013), if only one section is covered during the cruise.
Section_ID N/A N/A Identification for a cruise section/leg (e.g., A16N, or P02).
Station_ID N/A N/A Station identification. Numerical Station_IDs without letters are recommended to facilitate future QC efforts.
Cast_number N/A N/A Cast number, where a cast is the lowering of equipment over the side at one station, e.g., CTD, net tow, etc. Cast_number should be sequential and restart with 1 for each station.
Rosette_position N/A N/A Rosette position refers to the position number around the CTD-rosette (e.g., 1 of a 1-12, or 1-24, or 1-36 number).
Niskin_ID N/A N/A Niskin_ID is a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to only that Niskin bottle over the duration of the expedition.
Niskin_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for tracking problems with Niskin closure and integrity.
Sample_ID N/A N/A A sample identifier (Sample_ID), which uniquely identifies a row of data during the subsequent QC and interpretation process, is often generated by concatenating the Station_ID, Cast_number, and Rosette_position, according to: Sample_ID = Station_ID × 10000 + Cast_number × 100 + Rosette_position. For example, at station 15, the 2nd cast, a Rosette_position of 3 will have a Sample_ID of 150203.
Year_UTC N/A 0 Calendar year in UTC when Niskin bottles at a specific depth are triggered
Month_UTC N/A 0 Calendar month in UTC when Niskin bottles at a specific depth are triggered
Day_UTC N/A 0 Calendar day in UTC when Niskin bottles at a specific depth are triggered
Time_UTC [hh:mm:ss] N/A Time in UTC (hh:mm:ss) when Niskin bottles at a specific depth are triggered
Yearday_UTC N/A 2 Yearday refers to the day number in an annual cycle. (e.g., 06:00 on Jan 1 means yearday = 1.25, 18:00 on Dec 31 means yearday = 366.75 in a leap year). Note, Yearday_UTC starts with 1, instead of 0. It can be calculated according to this equation: Yearday_UTC = datefunction(Year_UTC, Month_UTC, Day_UTC) - datefunction(Year_UTC, 1, 1) + Time_UTC + 1, where, “datefunction” is the date function of a program (e.g., in Excel, the datefunction would be “DATE”).
Latitude decimal
4 Latitude in decimal degrees North (negative for southern hemisphere) when Niskin bottles at a specific depth are triggered
Longitude decimal
4 Longitude in decimal degrees East (negative for western hemisphere) when Niskin bottles at a specific depth are triggered
Depth_bottom m 0 Bottom water depth of the sampling station
CTDPRES dbar 1 Hydrostatic pressure recorded from CTD at the depth where the sample is taken
Depth m 1 Depth at which a sample is taken. It can be approximated from CTDPRES and Latitude using the TEOS-10 equation.
CTDTEMP_ITS90 deg_C 3 In situ temperature recorded from CTD on the ITS-90 scale. If the temperature scale is IPTS-68, this term should be replaced with “CTDTEMP_IPTS68”.
CTDTEMP_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for CTDTEMP
CTDSAL_PSS78 N/A 3 Salinity calculated from conductivity recorded with CTD using the equation of the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978. CTDSAL_PSS78 is unitless.
CTDSAL_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for CTDSAL
Salinity_PSS78 N/A 3 Salinity calculated from conductivity measured from discrete bottles using the equation of the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978. Salinity_PSS78 is unitless.
Salinity_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Salinity_PSS78 (see Table 2)
CTDOXY umol/kg 1 Dissolved oxygen (O2) content from oxygen sensors mounted on the CTD
CTDOXY_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for CTDOXY
Oxygen umol/kg 1 Dissolved oxygen (O2) content measured from discrete-bottle-based Winkler titration
Oxygen_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Oxygen
DIC umol/kg 1 Total dissolved inorganic carbon content
DIC_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for DIC (see Table 2)
TA umol/kg 1 Total alkalinity content
TA_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for TA
pH_T_measured N/A 4 pH measured on Total Scale (T) at measurement temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure (0 dbar applied pressure) using spectrophotometric methods. If the pH is measured on the seawater, free, or NBS scale, replace “T” with SWS, F, or NBS, respectively. For pH measurements made using electrodes, “pH_T_measured (electrode)” should be used instead.
TEMP_pH deg_C 2 Temperature at which the pH_TS_measured value is measured
pH_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for pH_TS_measured
Carbonated_measured umol/kg 1 Dissolved carbonate ion content ([CO32-]) at measurement temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure (0 dbar applied pressure).
TEMP_Carbonate deg_C 2 Temperature at which the Carbonate_measured value is measured
Carbonate_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Carbonate_measured
fCO2_measured uatm 1 Fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2) in air that is in equilibrium with seawater measured from discrete bottles at measurement temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure (0 dbar applied pressure).
TEMP_fCO2 deg_C 2 Temperature at which the fCO2_measured value is measured
fCO2_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for fCO2_measured
Silicate umol/kg 2 Silicate (total dissolved inorganic silicate: Si(OH)4, H4SiO4, SiO2, Sil) content
Silicate_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Silicate
Phosphate umol/kg 2 Phosphate (total dissolved inorganic phosphate: H2PO4−, HPO42−, PO43−) content
Phosphate_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Phosphate
Nitrate umol/kg 2 Nitrate (NO3-1) content. This term should not be used to indicate nitrate plus nitrite content, although the distinction is generally small because nitrate >> nitrite.
Nitrate_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Nitrate
Nitrite umol/kg 2 Nitrite (NO2-1) content
Nitrite_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Nitrite
Nitrate_and_Nitrite umol/kg 2 Nitrate plus nitrite content
Nitrate_and_Nitrite_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Nitrate_and_Nitrite
Ammonium umol/kg 2 Ammonium (NH4+ and NH3) content
Ammonium_flag N/A N/A Quality control flag for Ammonium

Click here to access the data file (xlsx) example.

* The term "error" is used here to retain historical consistency. Measurement error is in general, unknown and unknowable (ISO JGCM, 2008). If this parameter is provided, it requires added metadata to indicate what was meant by this term, and how its value was estimated.

Citation: Jiang, L.-Q., D. Pierrot, R. Wanninkhof, R. A. Feely, B. Tilbrook, S. Alin, L. Barbero, R. H. Byrne, B. R. Carter, A. G. Dickson, J.-P. Gattuso, D. Greeley, M. Hoppema, M. P. Humphreys, J. Karstensen, N. Lange, S. K. Lauvset, E. R. Lewis, A. Olsen, F. F. Perez, C. Sabine, J. D. Sharp, T. Tanhua, T. W. Trull, A. Velo, A. J. Allegra, P. Barker, E. Burger, W.-J. Cai, C.-T. A. Chen, J. Cross, H. Garcia, J. M. Hernandez-Ayon, X. Hu, A. Kozyr, C. Langdon, K. Lee, J. Salisbury, Z. A. Wang, and L. Xue (2022), Best Practice Data Standards for Discrete Chemical Oceanographic Observations. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 705638,

Acknowledgements: These column headers are a refinement and update to the WHP Exchange format of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Hydrographic Program with updates and refinements by the Climate and Ocean-Variability, Predictability, and Change (CLIVAR) and the Carbon Hydrographic Data Office (CCHDO) of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Comments: If you find any errors, or have a new term you want to add to this table, please feel free to send an email to Liqing.Jiang (a) Thank you!

Last modified: 2023-05-05T16:45:14Z