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OCADSAccess DataNDP-071NDP-071 - stainv.for (File 2)

stainv.for (File 2)

This file contains a FORTRAN 90 data-retrieval routine to read and print p10sta.txt (File 6). The following is a listing of this program. For additional information regarding variable definitions, variable lengths, variable types, units, and codes, please see the description for p10sta.txt.

     c* FORTRAN 90 data retrieval routine to read and print the file          
     c* named "p10sta.txt" (File 6).                                    
     c*Defines variables*
            INTEGER  stat, cast, depth
            REAL latdcm, londcm 
            CHARACTER expo*11, sect*3, date*10, time*4
            OPEN (unit=1, file='p10.sta')
            OPEN (unit=2, file='p10.stat')
            write (2, 5)
     c*Writes out column labels*
      5     format (1X, 'STATION INVENTORY: R/V THOMAS G. THOMPSON', 
          1 2X, 'CRUISE DATES 10051993-11101993',/,
          2 1X,'EXPOCODE',8X,'SECT',2X,'STNBR',2X,'CAST',9X,
          3 'DATE',2X,'TIME',2X,'LATITUDE',2X,'LONGITUDE',2X,
          4 'DEPTH',/)
     c*Sets up a loop to read and format all the data in the file*
            read (1, 6)
      6     format (////////)
      7     CONTINUE    
            read (1, 10, end=999) expo, sect, stat, cast, date, time,
          1 latdcm, londcm, depth
      10    format (A11, 7X, A3, 4X, I3, 5X, I1, 3X, A10, 2X, A4, 3X,
          1 F7.3, 3X, F8.3, 3X, I4)
            write (2, 20) expo, sect, stat, cast, date, time,
          1 latdcm, londcm, depth
      20    format (A11, 7X, A3, 4X, I3, 5X, I1, 3X, A10, 2X, A4, 3X,
          1 F7.3, 3X, F8.3, 3X, I4)
            GOTO 7
      999   close(unit=5)    
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z