The submitter provided the following profile information: Name: kurt Polzin 2893368 Organization: WHOI Phone: 5082893368 DeliveryPoint: 266 Woods Hole Rd. City: Woods Hole AdministrativeArea: Massachusetts PostalCode: 02543 Contributors: Name: kurt Polzin Email: Role: principalInvestigator The following non-ATDB metadata was provided: Related Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Suggested Author List: Polzin, Kurt datatypes-0: current meter (east, north, up, time) datatypes-1: current meter (east, north, up, time) datatypes-2: CTD (conductivity, temperature, pressure, time) datatypes-3: Temperature recorder (temperature, time) datatypes-4: Temperature recorder (temperature, time) insttypes-0: Modular Acoustic Velocity Sensor insttypes-1: Nortek AquaDopp insttypes-2: SBE-37 insttypes-3: SBE-39 insttypes-4: RBR soto-T platforms-0: sub surface mooring projects-0: DYNOPO seanames-0: South Scotia Sea Some of the files provided were determined to be executable binaries, Windows or Macintosh desktop cache files, or other artifacts, and may not be data files, although this determination may be in error. These files were removed from the accession, and can be examined at /nodc/data/NCEI-S2N/SIP/7PK33M to validate the determination. The following files were thus removed: data/0-data/Dynopo/._ReadMe.txt data/0-data/Dynopo/._SBE37_edits.txt