From: Date: Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 3:21 PM Subject: Request for OCADS archival of dataset 316420170714 (CoastalLA_91W_30N) from SOCAT dashboard user Sylvia Musielewicz To: Cc: , , Dear OCADS Archival Team, As part of submitting dataset 316420170714 (CoastalLA_91W_30N) to SOCAT for QC, the SOCAT Upload Dashboard user Sylvia Musielewicz has requested immediate archival of the attached BagIt ZIP file of data and metadata. The metadata file OCADS.xml is an *experimental* OCADS metadata file generated from any OME metadata or metadata provided in the data file.  This file was machine-generated and added only to assist in the archival, but should *not* be archived. Best regards, SOCAT Team From: Sylvia Musielewicz - NOAA Affiliate Date: Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 3:27 PM Subject: Fwd: Request for OCADS archival of dataset 316420170714 (CoastalLA_91W_30N) from SOCAT dashboard user Sylvia Musielewicz To: Alex Kozyr - NOAA Affiliate Hi Alex, I've just uploaded a new dataset to socat for a new site. The old Coastal MS (MS) buoy was moved to a site farther west and is now called Coastal LA (LA for Louisiana, not Los Angeles!). CoastalLA_91W_30N_Sep2017_Nov2017 I am working on another dataset for this site, and I hope to get it done sometime in the next few months.  thanks,Sylvia Sylvia MusielewiczNOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory University of Washington Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean 206-526-6252