From: Cathy Cosca - NOAA Federal Date: Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 2:21 PM Subject: Update for 2018 Cap Blanche, Accession 0209057 To: Alex Kozyr - NOAA Affiliate Please change the file names for Accession 0209057 (Cap Blanche 2018) to include cruise id along with expocode. Metadata file is current and correct - just the file names need to be changed for this one. Thanks, Cathy Current File Name Should Be AG5W20180112.csv AG5W20180112_CB2018_01.csv AG5W20180309.csv AG5W20180309_CB2018_03.csv AG5W20180502.csv AG5W20180502_CB2018_05.csv AG5W20180630.csv AG5W20180630_CB2018_07.csv AG5W20180827.csv AG5W20180827_CB2018_09.csv Attachments: AG5W20180112_CB2018_01.csv AG5W20180309_CB2018_03.csv AG5W20180502_CB2018_05.csv AG5W20180630_CB2018_07.csv AG5W20180827_CB2018_09.csv