The submitter provided the following profile information: Name: Mrs. Madalyn Newman Organization: US DOC; NOAA; NESDIS; National Centers for Environmental Information (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information - NCEI) Institutions_id: 1730 Phone: 228-688-3313 DeliveryPoint: 1021 Balch Blv. Suite 1003 City: Stennis Space Center AdministrativeArea: MS PostalCode: 39529 Contributors: Name: Joseph Montoya Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) Department of Biology Institutions_id: 1544 Email: Role: pointOfContact The following non-ATDB metadata was provided: Related Funding Agency: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Suggested Author List: Montoya, Joseph P. Related Funding Agency: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information & Data Cooperative (institutions_id 1803) datatypes-0: Water column conductivity datatypes-1: Water column depth datatypes-10: Water column fluorescence datatypes-11: descent rate datatypes-12: geopotential anomaly datatypes-2: Water column temperature datatypes-3: Water column density datatypes-4: Water column potential temperature datatypes-5: Water column pressure datatypes-6: Water column oxygen datatypes-7: Water column salinity datatypes-8: Water column beam attenuation datatypes-9: Water column beam transmission platforms-0: R/V Endeavor projects-0: Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG)