from: Sigdel, Bipana to: Lauren Jackson - NOAA Affiliate date: Feb 4, 2020, 4:08 PM subject: Re: NCEI Accession 0208683 Abstract mailed-by: signed-by: Hi Lauren, Yes, it is ok to move the part of the abstract to supplemental information as you’ve suggested. Best, Bipana from: Lauren Jackson - NOAA Affiliate to: "Sigdel, Bipana" date: Feb 4, 2020, 3:29 PM subject: NCEI Accession 0208683 Abstract mailed-by: Hi Bipana, I am reviewing your abstract for your Accession titled "CTD data at deep water seeps collected aboard R/V Endeavor cruises EN509 and EN510 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2012-05-26 to 2012-07-04 (NCEI Accession 0208683)". Would it be ok with you if I move a section of the abstract to the 'Supplemental Information' section of the NCEI geoportal page? Current abstract: "This dataset contains CTD data collected aboard R/V Endeavor cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a CTD-rosette system in the Gulf of Mexico from 2012-05-26 to 2012-07-04. The physical and chemical properties in the water column at the ECOGIG seep and other study sites were characterized. The ship departed Gulfport Mississippi on cruise EN509 on 2012-05-25 to collect samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 2012-06-20. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula Mississippi (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 2012-06-25 to collect samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport Mississippi on 2012-07-05. The dataset also includes binned profiles and bottle files." Updated Abstract: "This dataset contains CTD data collected aboard R/V Endeavor cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a CTD-rosette system in the Gulf of Mexico from 2012-05-26 to 2012-07-04. The physical and chemical properties in the water column at the ECOGIG seep and other study sites were characterized. The dataset also includes binned profiles and bottle files. Proposed section to move to Supplemental Information: The ship departed Gulfport Mississippi on cruise EN509 on 2012-05-25 to collect samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 2012-06-20. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula Mississippi (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 2012-06-25 to collect samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport Mississippi on 2012-07-05. Let me know if that is ok or if you have another suggestion. Best, Lauren -- Lauren A. Jackson