From: Miguel Gerardo Figuerola Hernández Date: Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 2:16 PM Subject: NCEI Accession 0204647: Request for Update To: Zachary Mason - NOAA Affiliate , Sarah Oconnor - NOAA Affiliate Cc: Tania M. Metz Estrella , Sarah Groves - NOAA Affiliate , Shay Viehman - NOAA Federal , Erica Towle - NOAA Affiliate Dear Zach and Sarah, I hope this message finds you well during these times. With the informed consent of my supervisors at the Puerto Rico DNER, I would like to request to update the data dictionary and data files in the PRCRMP Database Compilation NCEI Accession 0204647. Data has been updated with the 2019 local coral reef monitoring data + data from 3 stations sampled in Mona Island during the first months of 2020. The data dictionary has a few minor updates to account for new species occurrences and taxonomy updates. The station's metadata (site classification database) has been updated accordingly. Attached the updated data files and dictionary.  Can the update proceed with these materials or I need to fill up something on the Send2NCEI website? Please let me know if there is any question. Thanks for your continued attention and support!