From: Miguel Gerardo Figuerola Hernández Date: Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 2:02 PM Subject: NCEI submission: PRCRMP Field Methodology documentation To: Sarah Oconnor - NOAA Affiliate, Zachary Mason - NOAA Affiliate Cc: Tania M. Metz Estrella Dear Zach and Sarah, I hope this message finds you well. At the Puerto Rico DNER Coral Program we would like to request the attached document to be added to the PRCRMP data files and documentation in NCEI.  Please find attached the PRCRMP Field Methodology documentation.  Let me know if you need any more information. We are also reviewing the 2019 PRCRMP monitoring cycle data and updating the data files. A few updates would be made to the dictionary document as well since some species appeared for the first time. Once we finish those updates we'll be submitting the updated data files and documentation to you. Thanks for your attention and help, -- Miguel Gerardo Figuerola Hernández