This is the standard package for a National Oceanographic Data Center (NCEI) data archival information package (also called an 'accession'). Each accession maintained by NCEI is given a unique integer identifier known as an 'accession id'. All information related to that accession is contained within a directory using the accession id as the directory name. The accession directory has the following standard structure: /.: This directory. Contains the information for the revision of this accession numbered .. Major version revisions indicate that the data providers' data, located within the 'data' directory, have been updated. Minor version revisions indicate that the NCEI generated metafiles located within the 'about' directory have been updated. Initial versions of accessions that contain data providers' digital data begin with version 1.1. Initial versions of accessions that contain only NCEI metafiles begin with version 0.1. NCEI-Readme.txt: This file. about: Directory. Contains NCEI-authored accession-related metadata and provenance information (e.g., email exchanged between NCEI and the data provider) including but not limited to the following standard file: journal.txt: A text file that contains any notes, NCEI processing actions, etc., relating to this accession. data: Directory. Archival data and metadata files from the data provider are located in the 'data' directory. 0-data: A directory containing the data provider's data unmodified from its initial digital format as submitted to NCEI. The initial source for these data should be documented in the header of the /./about/journal.txt file after the 'Source' keyword. 1-data: An optional directory which may contain a processed or otherwise translated version of the data provider's data which may have been unzipped, uncompressed, untarred, or otherwise extracted or modified. A note should be found in the file /./about/journal.txt explaining how files in 1-data were derived from the files in 0-data. /...xml: A text file containing directory and cryptographic digest information for all files in this version of the accession (except for that of the ...xml file itself). For additional information specific to this NCEI archival information package, see: ./about/journal.txt