***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0171015 Created on: 2018-03-05 12:15:52 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Source: These data were submitted for archive to NCEI from the Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR), NOAA, as part of the oceanographic products from SAR-wind. Actions: Data were uploaded by STAR to the Data Distribution System (DDS); NCEI downloaded the data and MD5 fixity information files from the DDS. The data files were validated against the MD5 fixity information. An archival information package (NCEI Accession) was generated and the netCDF and GeoTiFF files were copied to the data/0-data/ directory. A sample browse graphic for the Sea Surface wind data provided by the producer is copied to the about/ directory. Files: about/ This directory contains files created by NCEI staff, including 'negotiable' information between NCEI staff and the data provider. 0171015_preview.png - Sample of a regional map for Level-2 Sea Surface Wind from RADARSAT-2 data. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as submitted to NCEI, including both graphics and NetCDF data files. 1. NetCDF data files: RSAT2________C5_GFS05CDF_wind_level2_norcs.nc - Sea Surface wind data set from RADARSAT-2 in netCDF format at a given location. File name convention uses "_" as delimiters and the first element is an abbreviated version of the SAR sensor/satellite. RSAT2=Radarsat-2; =the name of the processing center as included in the original data (CAIN, GSS or KSAT); =Numeric Year-Month-Day of center of data acquisition in UTC; =Numeric Hour-Minute-Second of center of data acquisition in UTC; =Ten-digit Julian second of center of data acquisition. Seconds are referenced with respect to January 1, 2000 00:00:00 UTC; =Longitude in degrees; =Hemisphere of Longitude, E or W; =Latitude in degrees; =Hemisphere of Latitude, S or N; =HH, VV, HV, or VH; C5=The first letter represents the SAR frequency, L-band, C-band, or X-band. The digit(s) represent which geophysical model function (GMF) was used for the wind retrieval.The default value is 0; GFS05CDF=Directory name with the winds directions used for retrieval (spaces and underscores removed); wind=Data type; level2=Data level; norcs = normalized radar cross section; '.nc' represents the file is in netCDF format. 2. GeoTIFF files: RSAT2________C5_GFS05CDF_wind.tiff - Sea Surface wind data set from RADARSAT-2 in GeoTIFF format at a given location. File naming convention uses "_" as delimiters and the first element is an abbreviated version of the SAR sensor/satellite. RSAT2=Radarsat-2; =the name of the processing center as included in the original data (CAIN, GSS or KSAT); =Numeric Year-Month-Day of center of data acquisition in UTC; =Numeric Hour-Minute-Second of center of data acquisition in UTC; =Ten-digit Julian second of center of data acquisition. Seconds are referenced with respect to January 1, 2000 00:00:00 UTC; =Longitude in degrees; =Hemisphere of Longitude, E or W; =Latitude in degrees; =Hemisphere of Latitude, S or N; =HH, VV, HV, or VH; C5=The first letter represents the SAR frequency, L-band, C-band, or X-band. The digit(s) represent which geophysical model function (GMF) was used for the wind retrieval. The default value is 0; GFS05CDF=Directory name with the winds directions used for retrieval (spaces and underscores removed); wind=Data type; '.tiff' represents the file is in GeoTiff format.