***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0170029 Created on: 2018-02-10 18:58:16 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Source: The shipboard technician of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) vessel Thomas Jefferson submitted data to NCEI via FTP in the zip file TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948.zip. Version: 2.2 Updates received on: 2018-01-08 Actions: Updates were received for this data set. These updates were copied into the data/0-data/ directory of this accession. These updates may provide additional files or replace obsolete files. This version contains the most complete and up-to-date representation of this archival information package. All of the files received prior to this update are available in the preceding version of this accession. NCEI copied the zip file from the FTP server to the directory data/0-data/, unpacked the files contained in the zip file (e.g., using 'unzip') to data/0-data/TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/, and then discarded the zip file. Files: about/ This directory contains files generated by NCEI with ancillary information about the data submission. 0170029_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). 0170029_map.jpg - Location map for these data. empty_files_list.txt - A text file, which contains a list of the empty files that were submitted to NCEI. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data and information files as OMAO submitted to NCEI. Each directory one-level under the directory data/0-data/ contains data for one leg of a cruise. The naming convention for these directories is as follows: [SHIPCODE]-[SchedPeriodID]_YYYY-MM-DD/ where: SHIPCODE OMAO two-digit code for that vessel; SchedPeriodID OMAO's four-digit code corresponding to the cruise leg; and YYYY-MM-DD Date OMAO submitted the zip file. cruiseInformation_5037.xml - An XML document containing information provided by OMAO's Ship Daily Activity Log (SDAL) documenting cruise level metadata. In the file name, 5037 is the OMAO four-digit identifier for the entire cruise. scheduledPeriods_5037.xml - An XML document containing information provided by OMAO's Ship Daily Activity Log (SDAL) documenting the start and end times, start and end ports, and other high level scheduling information regarding this cruise. In the file name, 5037 is the OMAO four-digit identifier for the entire cruise. Note: There may be empty files in this submission. Please review /about/empty_files_list.txt for a full list of the empty files. The following is a summary of the differences between the data files in the previous version of this accession and this version: Total number of files: 80 Number of new files: 35 Number of changed files: 1 Number of files removed: 0 Number of files moved or renamed: 0 New files: TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/CruiseLegMetadata.xml TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/DeviceConfiguration_20170707-111624.xml TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/DeviceConfiguration_20170711-161303.xml TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/DeviceConfiguration_20170722-195851.xml TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/FE700-DBT-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/GPS-GP150-PORT-GGA-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/GPS-GP150-PORT-VTG-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/GPS-GP150-STBD-GGA-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/GPS-GP150-STBD-VTG-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/GYRO1-HDT-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/GYRO2-HDT-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/METDATA-XDR-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-ATEMP_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-BARO_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-COG_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-DBT_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-DEWP_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-GYRO_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-LAT_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-LON_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-RELH_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-RWDIR_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-RWSPD_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-SEATEMP_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-SOG_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-TWDIR_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-TWSPD_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SAMOS/SAMOS-WETB_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/SEATEMP-MTW-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/True-Wind-Port-Msg_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/True-Wind-Stbd-Msg_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/WINDRELPORT-XWP-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw TJ-0_2018-01-08-180948/WINDRELSTBD-MWV-RAW_20170707-111624.Raw cruiseInformation_5038.xml cruiseInformation_5039.xml Changed files: cruiseInformation_5037.xml ***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0170029 Created on: 2018-01-16 07:12:04 UTC By: Automated Ingest Agent Source: The shipboard technician of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) vessel Thomas Jefferson submitted data to NCEI via FTP in the zip file TJ-0_2018-01-08-182407.zip. Actions: NCEI copied the zip file from the FTP server to the directory data/0-data/, unpacked the files contained in the zip file (e.g., using 'unzip') to data/0-data/TJ-0_2018-01-08-182407/, and then discarded the zip file. Files: about/ This directory contains files generated by NCEI with ancillary information about the data submission. 0170029_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). 0170029_map.jpg - Location map for these data. empty_files_list.txt - A text file, which contains a list of the empty files that were submitted to NCEI. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data and information files as OMAO submitted to NCEI. Each directory one-level under the directory data/0-data/ contains data for one leg of a cruise. The naming convention for these directories is as follows: [SHIPCODE]-[SchedPeriodID]_YYYY-MM-DD/ where: SHIPCODE OMAO two-digit code for that vessel; SchedPeriodID OMAO's four-digit code corresponding to the cruise leg; and YYYY-MM-DD Date OMAO submitted the zip file. cruiseInformation_5037.xml - An XML document containing information provided by OMAO's Ship Daily Activity Log (SDAL) documenting cruise level metadata. In the file name, 5037 is the OMAO four-digit identifier for the entire cruise. scheduledPeriods_5037.xml - An XML document containing information provided by OMAO's Ship Daily Activity Log (SDAL) documenting the start and end times, start and end ports, and other high level scheduling information regarding this cruise. In the file name, 5037 is the OMAO four-digit identifier for the entire cruise. Note: There may be empty files in this submission. Please review /about/empty_files_list.txt for a full list of the empty files. Some of the files provided were determined to be executable binaries, Windows or Macintosh desktop cache files, or other artifacts, and are not data files. These files were not archived as part of this accession. The following files were not included: FE700-DBT-RAW_20170814-124228.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-DBT_20170814-124228.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-Conductivity_20170730-222713.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-Conductivity_20170814-124228.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-Conductivity_20170906-173618.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-Salinity_20170730-222713.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-Salinity_20170814-124228.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-Salinity_20170906-173618.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-SeaTemp_20170814-124228.Raw SAMOS/SAMOS-TSG-SeaTemp_20170906-173618.Raw TSG-RAW_20170814-124228.Raw TSG-RAW_20170906-173618.Raw