Accession 0161171 Inbox x Zachary Mason - NOAA Affiliate Feb 27 (3 days ago) to Troy, Kevin Hi all, I noticed that there seems to be some missing lonlat data for accession 0161171 - National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Shallow Water Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Profiles for selected locations across the Hawaiian Archipelago in 2016. Specifically, the longitude, latitude, and dates columns are blank for lines 416-432 in the data file submitted for this accession. Do you have the data that should fill this gap? Kevin Trick - NOAA Affiliate Feb 27 (3 days ago) to me, Troy Thanks for bringing this to my attention - I'll look into it. - Kevin Kevin Trick - NOAA Affiliate Feb 28 (2 days ago) to me, Troy Okay, I see what happened Zachary and have re-exported the correct version. Should I just email the correct .csv file to you or is there a more formal process to get this to you? Zachary Mason - NOAA Affiliate 11:56 AM (21 hours ago) to Kevin, Troy You can just email me the correct file. Thanks! Kevin Trick - NOAA Affiliate Attachments9:11 PM (12 hours ago) to me, Troy Here you go, thanks again for catching this! - Kevin