From: Cathy Cosca - NOAA Federal Date: Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 2:06 PM Subject: Update for 2016 Cap Blanche, Accession 0158484 To: Alex Kozyr - NOAA Affiliate Please find attached the metadata for Accession 0158484 (Cap Blanche 2016). The current link to this metadata file from the landing page isn't working, so I can't tell you how this file is different from the previous one. Please also change the file names to include cruise id along with expocode: Current File Name Should Be AG5W20160313.csv AG5W20160313_CB2016_03.csv AG5W20160507.csv AG5W20160507_CB2016_05.csv AG5W20160829.csv AG5W20160829_CB2016_08.csv AG5W20161019.csv AG5W20161019_CB2016_10.csv Attachments: AG5W20160313_CB2016_03.csv AG5W20160507_CB2016_05.csv AG5W20160829_CB2016_08.csv AG5W20161019_CB2016_10.csv SubmissionForm_OADS_CapBlanche2016_update_2022.xlsx