Accession 0157550 Inbox x Zachary Mason - NOAA Affiliate 1:47 PM (21 hours ago) to Troy Hi Troy, I'm taking over some of Brian's accessions and I noticed that the title for accession 0157550 could use a bit of editing. Right now it reads: National Coral Reef Monitoring Plan: Towed-diver Surveys of Benthic Habitat, Key Benthic Species, including Marine Debris Sightings, of the Marianas from 2014-03-25 to 2014-05-06 (NCEI Accession 0157550) I would like to revise it so that it reads: "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Towed-diver Surveys of Benthic Habitats, Key Benthic Species, and Marine Debris Sightings of the Marianas from 2014-03-25 to 2014-05-06 (NCEI Accession 0157550)." Let me know if this is okay. Also, I noticed the acronym "CCA" in the abstract. I assume this means Crustose Coralline Algae? If not, please let me know. Thanks, Troy Kanemura - NOAA Affiliate 8:21 PM (15 hours ago) to me I don't have any problems with the changes but there are 3 packages that were already archived (0157564, 0157565, 0157566) and another In Prep (0157552) that will need to be changed in order to be consistent. Please accept my apologies. I'm not sure how the word 'Plan' got in there because it's not in the current version of the InPort metadata records. Will you need updated XML files because we're changing 'including' to 'and'? And yes, CCA in the abstract stands for Crustose Coralline Algae. I'll update the abstract to spell it out. Zachary Mason - NOAA Affiliate 6:59 AM (4 hours ago) to Troy Hi Troy, It looks like whoever was in charge of those three packages caught the mistake and changed it before it was archived. You probably weren't contacted because it was such a small change. As for the one in prep - we will take care of it. For the title change to this accession I don't think we will need updated XML files. I'll double-check with Sarah today but I think we should be good to go with this one. Oh and last thing - I can change the abstract on our end. I've spelled out Crustose Coralline Algae and put the abbreviation in parenthesis. It might have been okay but I find it is always better to err on the safe side with acronyms. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Best,