%%% this is a script, called by newday.prl, expecting two scripts to be called %%% first: "asetup" and "aflagit_setup" (both written by adcptree.prl) config.start_dd = __startdd__; config.end_dd = __enddd__; config.ddrange = config.end_dd - config.start_dd ; %now call [data, config] = agetmat(config); if (~isempty(data)) %%% (note that aflagit_setup sets up the flagging defaults in a structure %%% "pfc.cfg". If we're running quick_adcp.py with automatic %%% editing and want to override the defaults, write them in %%% "override_flagit.m" as pfc.cfg.parameter = newdefault if exist('override_flagit.m','file') override_flagit end flagged = aflagit(data, config, pfc); pflags.yearbase = config.yearbase; pflags.dday = data.dday; pflags.flagged = flagged; pflags = setfield(pflags, 'flag', aflagit); flagfile = 'autoflagged.mat'; fprintf('saving flags to %s\n',flagfile) eval(sprintf('save %s pflags',flagfile)) flagfiles.name = flagfile; end %%% delete asc files and write with new suffix if (exist('abottom_tmp.asc', 'file')), delete('abottom_tmp.asc'), end if (exist('abadbin_tmp.asc', 'file')), delete('abadbin_tmp.asc'), end if (exist('abadprf_tmp.asc', 'file')), delete('abadprf_tmp.asc'), end %%% fill them up again alistit(flagfiles, '_tmp');