***************************************************************** Journal for accession number: 0087597 Created on: 2012-04-02 15:56:05 UTC By: Donald Collins,OC,SSMC3 4635,7133277 x154 Source: Data files were sent to NODC by Dr. Thomas Mueller, formerly of Helmholtz-Zentrum fuer Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) in 2 zip files attached to emails. Actions: Zip files were saved to data/0-data/ subdirectories, one for each mooring site. Data files were extracted from the .zip files using WinZip. Upon verifying that the files were extracted successfully, the zip files were deleted according to NODC standard protocols. Update December 9, 2014 by Katharine Woodard Files: about/ This directory contains files created by NODC staff, email correspondence, and other 'negotiable' information between NODC staff and the data provider. 0087597_lonlat.txt - Contains sample locations for these data. Each row contains the geographical position where these data were collected (longitude in the left column and latitude in the right column, both in degrees). NODC may have corrected geographic positions that seemed to be in error when generating this file. However, NODC did not change the original data files under the directory data/0-data/. 0087597_map.jpg - Sample location map for these data. 0-email.txt - E-mail from personnel notifying NODC that they sent their data to the NODC via e-mail attachement. 1-email.txt - E-mail from NODC to the submitter confirming that the data was received, and that the two zip files were duplicate. 2-email.txt - E-mail from personnel with the correct zip files attached. data/0-data/ This directory contains the data files as submitted to NODC.