ADCP data. Raw data were converted to ASCII data using BBLIST.EXE Simple quality control were made by calculating the mean profile (1000 profiles) of intensity data and then found the cutoff bin, above which measurements are contaminated by the lobe effect. Acoustic signal gets weaker while it travels away from the transducer. But in the surface layer, the signal becomes stronger. Based on this, the cutoff bin is defined as the bin depth at the minimum value of the acoustic intensity. From deployment 3 to 6, the ADCP never worked properly. U, V and error velocities were all very large. Seems there were systemic problems. We tried to use individual profiles (instead of mean profiles) of I1, I2, I3, I4, percent good and error velocity to check for bad data. The matlab code for this quality control has been written, but there is a need for more testing to determine the quality control parameters.