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Climatic Atlas of the Sea of Azov 2008
Southern Scientific Center Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA; Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, RUSSIA;
Ocean Climate Laboratory, NODC/NOAA, USA

    This atlas and accompanying DVD contain oceanographic data collected in the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait during 1891-2006 by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Ministry of Fisheries, and the Hydro-Meteorological Service of Russia. It includes data distribution maps by year and individual month as well as climatological monthly temperature and salinity vertical sections. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Sea of Azov was developed. The accuracy of the hydrodynamic model was assessed by comparing the model output with salinity climatic fields calculated from measured salinity data. Inter-annual air temperature variations for the Sea of Azov and surrounding areas, for the period of 1885-2006, are also reviewed for potential climate change trends. Electronic copies of rare books and articles on the history of the Sea of Azov exploration and climate studies are included, as well as photographs depicting the natural history of the region.

Data distribution plot for all cruises