2011-10-06 00:45:09,158 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.04, v_kts=0.12, uvmag_kts=0.13 uvmax = 0.12 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 00:45:09,173 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 00:45:09,173 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 00:44:51 2011-10-06 00:45:34,173 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:45:39,725 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 00:45:39,725 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.6 seconds 2011-10-06 00:50:04,747 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:50:11,037 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 00:50:11,037 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 00:49:56 2011-10-06 00:50:11,038 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:50:17,795 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.17, v_kts=0.02, uvmag_kts=0.17 uvmax = 0.17 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 00:50:17,796 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 00:50:17,796 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 00:49:56 2011-10-06 00:50:37,798 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:50:42,963 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 00:50:42,964 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 00:55:07,991 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:55:14,272 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 00:55:14,273 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 00:55:02 2011-10-06 00:55:14,279 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:55:21,026 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.05, v_kts=0.00, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 00:55:21,026 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 00:55:21,026 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 00:55:02 2011-10-06 00:55:36,026 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 00:55:41,171 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 00:55:41,171 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 01:00:16,195 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:00:22,320 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 01:00:22,320 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:00:07 2011-10-06 01:00:22,323 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:00:29,147 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.14, v_kts=0.10, uvmag_kts=0.18 uvmax = 0.14 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:00:29,147 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 01:00:29,147 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:00:07 2011-10-06 01:00:34,148 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 1.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:00:44,322 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 10.2 seconds 2011-10-06 01:00:44,322 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 11.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:00:48,935 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 4.6 seconds 2011-10-06 01:00:48,967 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 15.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:00:59,459 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.5 seconds 2011-10-06 01:00:59,459 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 26.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:01:03,792 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:01:03,796 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 30.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:01:08,936 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:01:08,936 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 01:05:18,972 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:05:25,222 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 01:05:25,222 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:05:13 2011-10-06 01:05:25,223 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:05:31,835 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.08, v_kts=0.04, uvmag_kts=0.09 uvmax = 0.08 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:05:31,835 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 01:05:31,836 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:05:13 2011-10-06 01:05:36,836 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:05:42,038 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:05:42,038 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 01:10:27,047 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:10:33,458 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:10:33,458 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:10:19 2011-10-06 01:10:33,459 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:10:40,134 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.28, v_kts=-0.16, uvmag_kts=0.32 uvmax = 0.28 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:10:40,134 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 01:10:40,134 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:10:19 2011-10-06 01:10:40,135 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 7.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:10:45,423 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:10:45,423 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:15:30,432 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:15:36,802 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:15:36,803 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:15:25 2011-10-06 01:15:36,803 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:15:43,414 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.07, v_kts=0.05, uvmag_kts=0.09 uvmax = 0.07 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:15:43,414 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 01:15:43,414 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:15:25 2011-10-06 01:15:43,415 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 10.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:15:48,741 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:15:48,742 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:20:33,746 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:20:38,921 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:20:38,921 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 01:20:43,919 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 8.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:20:50,282 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:20:50,282 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:20:31 2011-10-06 01:20:50,283 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 15.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:20:56,950 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.05, v_kts=-0.09, uvmag_kts=0.11 uvmax = 0.09 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:20:56,950 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 01:20:56,951 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:20:31 2011-10-06 01:25:36,949 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:25:42,175 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:25:42,175 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 01:25:47,172 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 6.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:25:53,565 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:25:53,565 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:25:36 2011-10-06 01:25:53,566 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 12.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:26:00,325 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.06, v_kts=-0.88, uvmag_kts=0.89 uvmax = 0.88 vecscale is 1.0 2011-10-06 01:26:00,326 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 01:26:00,326 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:25:36 2011-10-06 01:30:35,331 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 2.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:30:45,281 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 9.9 seconds 2011-10-06 01:30:45,281 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 12.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:30:50,930 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 5.6 seconds 2011-10-06 01:30:50,944 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 4.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:30:57,747 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.84, v_kts=-1.47, uvmag_kts=1.70 uvmax = 1.47 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 01:30:57,747 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 01:30:57,748 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:30:42 2011-10-06 01:30:57,748 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 24.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:31:08,090 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:31:08,091 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 35.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:31:12,496 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:31:12,496 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 39.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:31:17,769 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:31:17,770 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:31:22,767 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 36.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:31:29,129 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:31:29,129 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:30:42 2011-10-06 01:35:34,152 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:35:39,369 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:35:39,369 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 01:35:54,368 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:36:00,741 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:36:00,742 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:35:43 2011-10-06 01:36:00,742 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:36:07,670 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.51, v_kts=-1.64, uvmag_kts=2.22 uvmax = 1.64 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 01:36:07,670 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 01:36:07,671 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:35:43 2011-10-06 01:40:37,688 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:40:42,988 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:40:42,989 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:40:57,993 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 5.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:41:04,450 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 01:41:04,450 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:40:44 2011-10-06 01:41:04,451 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:41:11,342 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.38, v_kts=-1.45, uvmag_kts=2.00 uvmax = 1.45 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 01:41:11,343 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 01:41:11,343 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:40:44 2011-10-06 01:45:36,348 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:45:41,764 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:45:41,764 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:45:56,763 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:46:03,233 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 01:46:03,233 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:45:44 2011-10-06 01:46:03,234 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:46:10,075 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.19, v_kts=-0.43, uvmag_kts=1.27 uvmax = 1.19 vecscale is 1.5 2011-10-06 01:46:10,075 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 01:46:10,076 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:45:44 2011-10-06 01:50:35,108 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:50:40,380 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:50:40,380 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 01:50:55,379 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:51:01,937 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 01:51:01,937 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:50:50 2011-10-06 01:51:01,938 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:51:08,771 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.29, v_kts=-0.11, uvmag_kts=0.31 uvmax = 0.29 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:51:08,771 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 01:51:08,771 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:50:50 2011-10-06 01:55:33,785 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:55:39,143 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 01:55:39,143 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 01:56:04,140 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:56:10,638 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 01:56:10,638 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:55:51 2011-10-06 01:56:10,639 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 01:56:17,598 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.32, v_kts=0.00, uvmag_kts=0.32 uvmax = 0.32 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 01:56:17,598 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 7.0 seconds 2011-10-06 01:56:17,599 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 01:55:51 2011-10-06 02:00:37,611 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 4.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:00:46,990 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 9.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:00:47,011 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 13.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:00:52,067 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 02:00:52,107 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 19.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:01:02,376 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.3 seconds 2011-10-06 02:01:02,384 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 29.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:01:06,673 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots output: zgrid: Warning: solution did not converge. 2011-10-06 02:01:06,673 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 02:01:06,674 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 33.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:01:12,115 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:01:12,115 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:01:17,116 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 16.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:01:23,978 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 02:01:23,978 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:00:56 2011-10-06 02:01:23,979 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 23.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:01:30,574 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.27, v_kts=0.01, uvmag_kts=0.27 uvmax = 0.27 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 02:01:30,574 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 02:01:30,574 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:00:56 2011-10-06 02:05:35,581 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:05:40,987 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:05:40,987 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:06:10,991 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 5.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:06:17,131 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 02:06:17,131 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:05:57 2011-10-06 02:06:17,132 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:06:23,610 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.01, v_kts=0.05, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 02:06:23,610 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:06:23,611 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:05:57 2011-10-06 02:10:33,621 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:10:39,067 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:10:39,067 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:11:09,091 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:11:15,308 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:11:15,308 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:11:01 2011-10-06 02:11:15,309 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:11:21,790 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.00, v_kts=-0.01, uvmag_kts=0.01 uvmax = 0.01 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 02:11:21,791 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:11:21,791 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:11:01 2011-10-06 02:15:36,807 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:15:42,362 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:15:42,362 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.6 seconds 2011-10-06 02:16:12,380 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:16:18,599 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:16:18,599 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:16:07 2011-10-06 02:16:18,603 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:16:25,146 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.18, v_kts=-0.01, uvmag_kts=0.18 uvmax = 0.18 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 02:16:25,146 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:16:25,146 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:16:07 2011-10-06 02:20:35,157 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:20:40,644 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:20:40,644 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:21:20,643 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:21:26,851 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:21:26,851 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:21:12 2011-10-06 02:21:26,852 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:21:33,449 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.93, v_kts=-0.25, uvmag_kts=0.96 uvmax = 0.93 vecscale is 1.0 2011-10-06 02:21:33,450 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 02:21:33,450 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:21:12 2011-10-06 02:25:33,469 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:25:38,964 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:25:38,964 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:26:23,964 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:26:30,086 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 02:26:30,087 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:26:16 2011-10-06 02:26:30,087 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:26:36,710 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=2.23, v_kts=-0.58, uvmag_kts=2.31 uvmax = 2.23 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:26:36,711 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 02:26:36,711 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:26:16 2011-10-06 02:30:36,728 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 3.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:30:46,932 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 10.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:30:46,933 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 13.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:30:51,438 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 4.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:30:51,439 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 18.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:31:01,907 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:31:01,907 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 28.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:31:06,318 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:31:06,319 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 33.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:31:11,741 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:31:11,741 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:31:26,743 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:31:32,794 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 02:31:32,794 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:31:22 2011-10-06 02:31:32,795 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 6.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:31:39,331 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=2.92, v_kts=-0.84, uvmag_kts=3.04 uvmax = 2.92 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:31:39,331 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:31:39,332 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:31:22 2011-10-06 02:35:34,349 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:35:39,845 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:35:39,846 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:36:34,844 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:36:41,017 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:36:41,017 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:36:26 2011-10-06 02:36:41,018 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:36:47,497 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=2.79, v_kts=-1.31, uvmag_kts=3.08 uvmax = 2.79 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:36:47,497 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:36:47,498 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:36:26 2011-10-06 02:40:37,509 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:40:42,949 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:40:42,949 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:41:37,947 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:41:44,177 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:41:44,178 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:41:27 2011-10-06 02:41:44,178 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:41:50,591 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.69, v_kts=-1.36, uvmag_kts=2.18 uvmax = 1.69 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:41:50,591 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:41:50,591 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:41:27 2011-10-06 02:45:35,602 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:45:41,106 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:45:41,106 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:46:41,104 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:46:47,338 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:46:47,338 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:46:29 2011-10-06 02:46:47,339 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:46:53,858 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.78, v_kts=-1.05, uvmag_kts=2.06 uvmax = 1.78 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:46:53,858 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 02:46:53,858 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:46:29 2011-10-06 02:50:33,869 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:50:38,999 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:50:39,000 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 02:51:39,007 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:51:45,223 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 02:51:45,223 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:51:33 2011-10-06 02:51:45,224 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 6.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:51:51,917 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.85, v_kts=-0.92, uvmag_kts=2.07 uvmax = 1.85 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:51:51,918 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 02:51:51,918 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:51:33 2011-10-06 02:55:36,928 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:55:42,055 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 02:55:42,055 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 02:56:47,060 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:56:53,423 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 02:56:53,424 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:56:36 2011-10-06 02:56:53,425 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 02:57:00,047 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=2.81, v_kts=-1.03, uvmag_kts=2.99 uvmax = 2.81 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 02:57:00,047 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 02:57:00,048 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 02:56:36 2011-10-06 03:00:35,076 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:00:44,634 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 9.6 seconds 2011-10-06 03:00:44,634 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 11.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:00:50,191 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 5.6 seconds 2011-10-06 03:00:50,192 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 17.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:01:01,239 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 11.0 seconds 2011-10-06 03:01:01,240 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 28.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:01:05,531 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:01:05,532 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 32.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:01:10,700 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:01:10,700 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 03:01:50,699 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:01:57,081 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:01:57,081 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:01:40 2011-10-06 03:01:57,082 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:02:03,774 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=2.65, v_kts=0.51, uvmag_kts=2.70 uvmax = 2.65 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 03:02:03,774 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 03:02:03,775 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:01:40 2011-10-06 03:05:33,785 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:05:39,080 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:05:39,080 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:06:54,088 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:07:00,419 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:07:00,419 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:06:44 2011-10-06 03:07:00,427 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:07:07,102 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.96, v_kts=2.71, uvmag_kts=2.88 uvmax = 2.71 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 03:07:07,102 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 03:07:07,102 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:06:44 2011-10-06 03:10:37,129 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:10:42,333 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:10:42,333 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 03:11:57,339 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:12:03,815 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 03:12:03,816 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:11:50 2011-10-06 03:12:03,817 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:12:10,606 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=1.41, v_kts=1.28, uvmag_kts=1.91 uvmax = 1.41 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 03:12:10,606 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 03:12:10,607 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:11:50 2011-10-06 03:15:35,636 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:15:40,912 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:15:40,912 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:17:00,919 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:17:07,293 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:17:07,293 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:16:53 2011-10-06 03:17:07,295 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:17:14,063 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=2.01, v_kts=-1.23, uvmag_kts=2.35 uvmax = 2.01 vecscale is 2 2011-10-06 03:17:14,063 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 03:17:14,063 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:16:53 2011-10-06 03:20:34,085 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:20:39,413 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:20:39,414 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:22:04,435 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:22:10,861 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:22:10,861 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:21:58 2011-10-06 03:22:10,862 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:22:17,634 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.58, v_kts=-0.27, uvmag_kts=0.64 uvmax = 0.58 vecscale is 1.0 2011-10-06 03:22:17,634 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 03:22:17,634 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:21:58 2011-10-06 03:25:37,652 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:25:42,899 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:25:42,899 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 03:27:12,923 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:27:19,256 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:27:19,257 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:27:01 2011-10-06 03:27:19,258 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:27:26,047 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.01, v_kts=0.01, uvmag_kts=0.02 uvmax = 0.01 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:27:26,047 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 03:27:26,047 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:27:01 2011-10-06 03:30:36,079 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 3.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:30:45,613 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 9.5 seconds 2011-10-06 03:30:45,613 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 12.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:30:50,128 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 4.5 seconds 2011-10-06 03:30:50,128 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 17.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:31:01,095 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 11.0 seconds 2011-10-06 03:31:01,104 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 28.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:31:05,393 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots output: zgrid: Warning: solution did not converge. 2011-10-06 03:31:05,393 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:31:05,394 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 32.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:31:10,745 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:31:10,745 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:32:15,743 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:32:21,982 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 03:32:21,982 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:32:06 2011-10-06 03:32:21,983 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:32:28,923 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.01, v_kts=0.02, uvmag_kts=0.03 uvmax = 0.02 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:32:28,923 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 03:32:28,923 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:32:06 2011-10-06 03:35:33,961 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:35:39,338 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:35:39,338 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:37:19,343 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:37:25,571 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 03:37:25,572 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:37:13 2011-10-06 03:37:25,572 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:37:32,471 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.04, v_kts=0.05, uvmag_kts=0.06 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:37:32,472 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 03:37:32,472 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:37:13 2011-10-06 03:40:37,481 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:40:42,860 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:40:42,860 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:42:27,859 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:42:34,154 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:42:34,154 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:42:20 2011-10-06 03:42:34,155 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:42:41,112 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.05, v_kts=-0.01, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:42:41,112 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 7.0 seconds 2011-10-06 03:42:41,113 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:42:20 2011-10-06 03:45:36,121 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:45:41,553 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:45:41,553 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:47:31,551 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:47:37,837 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:47:37,838 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:47:25 2011-10-06 03:47:37,838 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:47:44,778 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.03, v_kts=0.08, uvmag_kts=0.08 uvmax = 0.08 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:47:44,778 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 03:47:44,778 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:47:25 2011-10-06 03:50:34,805 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:50:40,255 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:50:40,256 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 03:52:35,256 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:52:41,598 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 03:52:41,599 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:52:25 2011-10-06 03:52:41,606 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 6.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:52:48,642 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.03, v_kts=-0.04, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.04 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:52:48,643 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 7.0 seconds 2011-10-06 03:52:48,643 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:52:31 2011-10-06 03:55:33,669 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:55:39,109 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 03:55:39,109 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 03:57:39,115 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:57:45,569 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 03:57:45,569 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:57:31 2011-10-06 03:57:45,571 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 4.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 03:57:52,542 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.01, v_kts=-0.03, uvmag_kts=0.03 uvmax = 0.03 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 03:57:52,542 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 7.0 seconds 2011-10-06 03:57:52,542 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 03:57:37 2011-10-06 04:00:37,575 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 4.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:00:48,007 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 10.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:00:48,007 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 14.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:00:53,101 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 04:00:53,102 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 20.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:01:04,469 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 11.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:01:04,469 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 31.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:01:08,793 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots output: zgrid: Warning: solution did not converge. 2011-10-06 04:01:08,794 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 04:01:08,794 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 35.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:01:14,159 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:01:14,159 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:02:44,171 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:02:51,018 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 04:02:51,018 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:02:39 2011-10-06 04:02:51,019 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 4.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:02:57,630 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.04, v_kts=-0.04, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.04 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:02:57,631 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 04:02:57,631 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:02:39 2011-10-06 04:05:37,638 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:05:42,965 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:05:42,965 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 04:07:52,983 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:07:59,126 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 04:07:59,127 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:07:41 2011-10-06 04:07:59,127 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:08:05,546 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.04, v_kts=0.10, uvmag_kts=0.11 uvmax = 0.10 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:08:05,546 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:08:05,546 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:07:41 2011-10-06 04:10:35,549 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:10:40,919 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:10:40,920 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:12:55,935 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:13:02,136 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 04:13:02,136 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:12:47 2011-10-06 04:13:02,137 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 11.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:13:08,674 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.05, v_kts=0.03, uvmag_kts=0.06 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:13:08,674 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:13:08,675 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:12:47 2011-10-06 04:15:33,681 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:15:39,100 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:15:39,100 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:17:59,112 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:18:05,159 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.0 seconds 2011-10-06 04:18:05,159 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:17:53 2011-10-06 04:18:05,167 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:18:11,754 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.04, v_kts=-0.02, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.04 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:18:11,755 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 04:18:11,755 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:17:53 2011-10-06 04:20:36,776 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:20:42,250 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:20:42,250 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:23:07,255 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:23:13,198 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 5.9 seconds 2011-10-06 04:23:13,199 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:22:59 2011-10-06 04:23:13,199 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:23:19,729 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.05, v_kts=-0.05, uvmag_kts=0.07 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:23:19,730 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:23:19,730 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:22:59 2011-10-06 04:25:34,857 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:25:40,404 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:25:40,404 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:28:10,403 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:28:16,441 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.0 seconds 2011-10-06 04:28:16,442 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:28:05 2011-10-06 04:28:16,443 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 7.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:28:22,973 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.03, v_kts=-0.05, uvmag_kts=0.06 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:28:22,973 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:28:22,973 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:28:05 2011-10-06 04:30:37,999 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 4.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:30:47,716 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 9.7 seconds 2011-10-06 04:30:47,717 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 14.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:30:52,153 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 4.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:30:52,153 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 19.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:31:02,509 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:31:02,509 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 29.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:31:06,834 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots output: zgrid: Warning: solution did not converge. 2011-10-06 04:31:06,834 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 04:31:06,834 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 33.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:31:12,261 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:31:12,261 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 04:33:17,459 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:33:23,609 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 04:33:23,609 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:33:11 2011-10-06 04:33:23,610 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:33:30,095 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.06, v_kts=-0.10, uvmag_kts=0.12 uvmax = 0.10 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:33:30,095 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:33:30,096 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:33:11 2011-10-06 04:35:35,097 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:35:40,582 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:35:40,582 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:38:25,592 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 4.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:38:31,721 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.1 seconds 2011-10-06 04:38:31,722 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:38:12 2011-10-06 04:38:31,722 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 10.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:38:38,295 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.07, v_kts=-0.02, uvmag_kts=0.07 uvmax = 0.07 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:38:38,295 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 04:38:38,295 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:38:12 2011-10-06 04:40:33,297 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:40:38,757 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:40:38,757 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:43:23,771 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:43:29,974 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 04:43:29,974 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:43:15 2011-10-06 04:43:29,975 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:43:36,510 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.09, v_kts=-0.06, uvmag_kts=0.11 uvmax = 0.09 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:43:36,510 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:43:36,510 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:43:15 2011-10-06 04:45:36,521 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:45:42,013 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:45:42,013 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 04:48:27,031 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:48:33,313 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 04:48:33,313 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:48:17 2011-10-06 04:48:33,323 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:48:39,930 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.15, v_kts=0.01, uvmag_kts=0.15 uvmax = 0.15 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:48:39,930 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 04:48:39,930 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:48:17 2011-10-06 04:50:34,929 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:50:40,029 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:50:40,029 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.1 seconds 2011-10-06 04:53:30,063 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:53:36,322 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.3 seconds 2011-10-06 04:53:36,322 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:53:18 2011-10-06 04:53:36,327 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:53:42,934 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.07, v_kts=0.01, uvmag_kts=0.07 uvmax = 0.07 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:53:42,934 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 04:53:42,934 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:53:18 2011-10-06 04:55:37,933 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:55:43,119 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 04:55:43,120 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 04:58:28,139 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:58:34,309 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 04:58:34,309 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:58:18 2011-10-06 04:58:34,310 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 6.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 04:58:41,094 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.06, v_kts=0.02, uvmag_kts=0.06 uvmax = 0.06 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 04:58:41,094 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 04:58:41,094 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 04:58:24 2011-10-06 05:00:36,096 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 3.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:00:46,282 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 10.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:00:46,287 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 13.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:00:51,787 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 5.5 seconds 2011-10-06 05:00:51,787 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 18.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:01:01,939 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:01:01,940 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 28.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:01:06,245 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots output: zgrid: Warning: solution did not converge. 2011-10-06 05:01:06,245 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.3 seconds 2011-10-06 05:01:06,245 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 33.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:01:11,473 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:01:11,474 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:03:31,483 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:03:37,662 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:03:37,663 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:03:24 2011-10-06 05:03:37,663 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 3.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:03:44,387 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.10, v_kts=-0.03, uvmag_kts=0.11 uvmax = 0.10 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:03:44,387 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 05:03:44,387 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:03:30 2011-10-06 05:05:34,412 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:05:39,636 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:05:39,637 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:08:34,667 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:08:40,837 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:08:40,837 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:08:30 2011-10-06 05:08:40,838 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 0.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:08:47,656 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.04, v_kts=0.04, uvmag_kts=0.06 uvmax = 0.04 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:08:47,657 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 05:08:47,657 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:08:30 2011-10-06 05:10:37,665 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:10:42,939 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:10:42,939 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 05:13:42,939 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:13:49,186 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:13:49,187 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:13:35 2011-10-06 05:13:49,188 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 9.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:13:55,781 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.07, v_kts=0.01, uvmag_kts=0.07 uvmax = 0.07 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:13:55,782 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 05:13:55,782 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:13:41 2011-10-06 05:15:35,801 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 2.7 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:15:41,177 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:15:41,177 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:18:46,180 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 1.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:18:52,542 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:18:52,543 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:18:41 2011-10-06 05:18:52,543 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 1.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:18:59,136 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.02, v_kts=0.04, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.04 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:18:59,136 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.6 seconds 2011-10-06 05:18:59,137 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:18:47 2011-10-06 05:20:34,154 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:20:39,471 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:20:39,472 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 05:23:54,472 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:24:00,858 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:24:00,858 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:23:47 2011-10-06 05:24:00,859 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 3.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:24:07,552 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.05, v_kts=-0.03, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:24:07,552 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 05:24:07,553 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:23:54 2011-10-06 05:25:37,553 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:25:42,816 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:25:42,816 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 05:28:57,827 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:29:04,241 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:29:04,241 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:28:53 2011-10-06 05:29:04,242 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 0.2 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:29:10,936 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.01, v_kts=-0.01, uvmag_kts=0.01 uvmax = 0.01 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:29:10,936 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.7 seconds 2011-10-06 05:29:10,937 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:28:53 2011-10-06 05:30:35,947 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick starting 2.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:30:45,901 INFO repeater task os75bb_quick ended after 10.0 seconds 2011-10-06 05:30:45,901 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots starting 12.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:30:50,464 INFO repeater task os75bb_3dayplots ended after 4.6 seconds 2011-10-06 05:30:50,464 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick starting 17.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:31:00,692 INFO repeater task os75nb_quick ended after 10.2 seconds 2011-10-06 05:31:00,692 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots starting 27.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:31:05,116 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots output: zgrid: Warning: solution did not converge. 2011-10-06 05:31:05,116 INFO repeater task os75nb_3dayplots ended after 4.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:31:05,116 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 32.0 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:31:10,417 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:31:10,417 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.3 seconds 2011-10-06 05:34:05,423 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 2.4 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:34:11,906 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 05:34:11,906 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:33:59 2011-10-06 05:34:11,907 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 8.9 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:34:18,667 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.06, v_kts=0.01, uvmag_kts=0.06 uvmax = 0.06 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:34:18,667 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.8 seconds 2011-10-06 05:34:18,668 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:34:06 2011-10-06 05:35:33,669 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 0.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:35:39,052 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:35:39,052 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:39:09,060 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:39:15,545 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 05:39:15,546 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:39:02 2011-10-06 05:39:20,548 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 4.5 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:39:27,442 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.02, v_kts=0.03, uvmag_kts=0.03 uvmax = 0.03 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:39:27,443 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 05:39:27,443 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:39:08 2011-10-06 05:40:37,458 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 4.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:40:42,837 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:40:42,838 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:44:12,848 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 0.8 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:44:19,318 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 05:44:19,318 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:44:08 2011-10-06 05:44:19,319 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 1.3 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:44:26,226 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=-0.02, v_kts=0.02, uvmag_kts=0.03 uvmax = 0.02 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:44:26,226 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 05:44:26,226 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:44:14 2011-10-06 05:45:36,229 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 3.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:45:41,616 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats output: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:826: UserWarning: This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 1 --------------utc2odday ---------------- 2011-10-06 05:45:41,617 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats ended after 5.4 seconds 2011-10-06 05:49:21,627 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq starting 3.6 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:49:28,141 INFO repeater task os75bb_lastensq ended after 6.5 seconds 2011-10-06 05:49:28,141 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75bb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:49:14 2011-10-06 05:49:28,142 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq starting 4.1 seconds late 2011-10-06 05:49:35,050 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq output: u_kts=0.05, v_kts=0.02, uvmag_kts=0.05 uvmax = 0.05 vecscale is 0.4 2011-10-06 05:49:35,050 INFO repeater task os75nb_lastensq ended after 6.9 seconds 2011-10-06 05:49:35,050 INFO repeater Time from /home/data/TN269_leg2/proc/os75nb/load/wrote_ens_time: 2011/10/06 05:49:20 2011-10-06 05:50:35,049 INFO repeater task posmv_hcorrstats starting 1.9 seconds late