2011-10-18 11:49:57,642 INFO root Starting run_hcorrstats.py 2011-10-18 11:49:57,643 INFO root about to plot figure for ashpaq2 2011-10-18 11:49:57,772 ERROR root could not make heading correction plot Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/currents/programs/uhdas/scripts/run_hcorrstats_mpl.py", line 123, in msg = AD.get_rbins(cname=cname, ddrange=plot_startdd, qc_kw = qc_kw) File "/home/currents/programs/pycurrents/adcp/attitude.py", line 117, in get_rbins ss = rangeslice(pdata.records[cname], ddrange, step=step) File "/home/currents/programs/pycurrents/num/nptools.py", line 107, in rangeslice raise ValueError("rangeslice input must be non-decreasing") ValueError: rangeslice input must be non-decreasing 2011-10-18 11:49:57,773 INFO root about to print stats for ashpaq2 2011-10-18 11:49:57,894 ERROR root could not get ashpaq2 stats Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/currents/programs/uhdas/scripts/run_hcorrstats_mpl.py", line 172, in msg = HH.get_rbins(cname=cname, ddrange=stats_startdd) File "/home/currents/programs/pycurrents/adcp/attitude.py", line 117, in get_rbins ss = rangeslice(pdata.records[cname], ddrange, step=step) File "/home/currents/programs/pycurrents/num/nptools.py", line 107, in rangeslice raise ValueError("rangeslice input must be non-decreasing") ValueError: rangeslice input must be non-decreasing 2011-10-18 11:49:57,894 INFO root Finished run_hcorrstats.py