/****************************************************************************** FILE: getnav.cnt This control file is used with the getnav program to retrieve the navigation information for selected profiles within the given time range(s) from a CODAS ADCP database. INPUT: CODAS database OUTPUT: text file of profile times and positions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: dbname: < CODAS ADCP database name > output: < output filename > step_size: < profile sampling rate > year_base= < base year for decimal day conversions > time_ranges: { one of the following } < all > { or } { list of YMDHMS time pairs } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . { or } < @tr_filename > { where tr_filename is a file of timeranges } { such as the output of timegrid } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: ../adcpdb/ademo output: ademo.fix step_size: 1 year_base= 1993 time_ranges: 85/12/26 21:09:00 to 94/01/09 02:11:00 /*****************************************************************************/