/****************************************************************************** FILE: llgrid.cnt This control file is used with the llgrid program to generate a text file of time ranges that roughly correspond to longitude/latitude grid crossings. The grid is specified as a starting position and an increment for each dimension. INPUT: CODAS database OUTPUT: text file of time ranges which can be appended to an adcpsect control file to extract profile data for the desired sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: dbname: < CODAS database name > output: < output filename > step_size: < profile sampling rate > { 1 = every profile } lat_origin: < decimal degrees > lat_increment: < decimal degrees > lon_origin: < decimal degrees > lon_increment: < decimal degrees > time_ranges: { list of YMDHMS time pairs } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . . add_time_ranges: { list of YMDHMS time pairs } skip_to: < label > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: ../adcpdb/ademo output: ademoall.llg year_base: 1993 step_size: 1 lat_origin: -0.05 /* center bins */ lat_increment: 0.10 /* grid by 1/10 degree latitude */ lon_origin: -0.05 lon_increment: 0.10 /* and 1/10 degree longitude */ time_ranges: 93/04/09 00:02:00 to 93/04/10 23:58:00 /*****************************************************************************/