/* SAMPLE CONTROL PARAMETERS FILE FOR CONTOUR PROGRAM: Defaults values have been provided as starting points for typical plots. You may alter them as needed. You still have to specify those parameters for which no defaults can be given, for obvious reasons. Warning: The contours program does not mind numeric parameters being dispersed across new lines. However, it crashes if string parameters (plot title, input data format, X- and Y-axis labels) do not appear on the immediately succeeding line. Be careful about placement of comments (make sure you comment out any intervening new lines) and blank lines in these cases. Use the new sample.src file as a sample batch file for submitting jobs that use this commented version of the .CPA file. Change all file names with prefix "sample" in your copy of the batch file to your own file names. Leave everything else (including "temp.cpa") as is. ------------------- I/O CONTROL DATA: -------------------*/ 2 /* KD1 = title pen (0, 1, 2) 2 = title drawn with heavy pen */ 1 /* KD2 = grid constr/interp (0, 1) 1 = user-supplied */ 2 /* KD3 = ungridded input data (0, 1, 2) 2 = suppress listing of data */ 1 /* KD4 = plot parameters (0, 1) 1 = user-supplied */ 2 /* KD5 = contour levels/shading (0 to 3) 2 = user-supplied w/ shading */ 4 /* KD6 = blanking polygon data (0, ...) 4 = suppress plot & listing */ 2 /* KD7 = tracing (2 to 6) 2 = minimal (flow of execution) */ 0 /* KD8 = line & shade drawing (0, 1) 0 = no drawings requested -------------------------------- TITLE INFORMATION: 21A4 format --------------------------------*/ LIA IV NORTHBOUND Nov. 19-28, 1988, V (cm/s) /*----------------------------------------------- GRID CONSTRUCTION & INTERPOLATION PARAMETERS: -----------------------------------------------*/ 0 /* INOUT = I/O of gridded data (0, 1, -1) 0 = no grid I/O */ NX /* NX = no. of X-axis grid lines = abs(XL - X1) / Xstep + 1 */ NY /* NY = no. of Y-axis grid lines = abs(YL - Y1) / Ystep + 1 */ X1 /* X1 = smallest X value of grid */ Y1 /* Y1 = smallest Y value of grid */ XL /* XL = largest X value of grid */ YL /* YL = largest Y value of grid */ 0.2 /* DEL = anistropy weighting (0, <1, >1) 0.2 = weight to X gradients (used in velocity sections) */ 0.5 /* CAY = interpolation type (0.0 to inf) 0.5 = half and half */ 0 /* NRNG = interpol. range for missing data (in units of grid cells) */ 1 /* NSM = no. of Laplacian smoothings --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT DATA FORMAT: * = first three columns = X-data, Y-data, contour-data (E9.4,E8.1,E11.3,11X) (E9.4,E8.1,11X,E11.3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (E9.4,E8.1,11X,E11.3) /* X-data, Y-data, U (skip) , V (Z-data) */ /*----------------- PLOT PARAMETERS -----------------*/ 1.0 /* SCALE = scale factor */ 1.0 /* X1PL = lower left corner X-coordinate (in inches from page left) */ 2.5 /* Y1PL = lower left corner Y-coordinate (in inches from page bottom) */ XLPL /* XLPL = lower right corner X-coord. (X-scale * abs(X-range) + X1PL) */ YLPL /* YLPL = upper left corner Y-coord. (Y-scale * abs(Y-range) + Y1PL) */ .067 /* HGTPT = height of labels marking data (in inches) */ .08 /* HGTC = height of labels on contours (in inches) */ -3 /* LABPT = data point labeling option (-3, -2, -1, >=0) -3 = omit */ 1 /* NDIV = no. of times grid is subdivided (0 to 2) */ 3 /* NARC = no. of segments each contour is subdivided into (1 to 10) */ XTTL /* XTTL = title location X-coordinate (usually equal to X1PL) */ YTTL /* YTTL = title location Y-coordinate (usually equal to YLPL + 0.2) */ -0.14 /* THT = height of title characters (in inches; put '-' for boldface) */ 0.0 /* TANG = title rotation, 0 = horizontal title) */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTOUR LEVELS: column 1 = contouring intervals: check for sufficient range and step size column 2 = label option (-3 = omit label, -1 = omit decimal point, >=0 = number of places after decimal point) column 3 = contour line option (1 = ordinary, 2 = heavy, 3 = dotted) column 4 = contour level option (1 = auto-calculate, 0 = all user-supplied) NOTE: if shading is requested, boundary interval must be on first line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 0, -1, 2, 0 -120, -1, 1, 0 -100, -1, 1, 0 -80, -1, 1, 0 -60, -1, 1, 0 -40, -1, 1, 0 -20, -1, 1, 0 -10, -1, 1, 0 10, -1, 1, 0 20, -1, 1, 0 40, -1, 1, 0 60, -1, 1, 0 80, -1, 1, 0 100, -1, 1, 0 120, -1, 1, 0 1.E35/ /*----------------------------- AXES ANNOTATION PARAMETERS: -----------------------------*/ NTICX /* NTICX = no. of tick marks along X-axis : remember to add one */ NTICY /* NTICY = no. of tick marks along Y-axis : remember to add one */ NDENX /* NDENX = density of X-axis labels (>= 0) _\ 0 = no labels */ NDENY /* NDENY = density of Y-axis labels (>= 0) / n = every nth tick mark */ 0 /* NSKPX = no. of X-axis tick marks to skip before starting to label */ 0 /* NSKPY = no. of Y-axis tick marks to skip before starting to label */ -1 /* NDECX = no. of decimal places on X-axis nos., -1 = no dec. point */ -1 /* NDECY = no. of decimal places on Y-axis nos., -1 = no dec. point */ IOPTX /* IOPTX = special labeling option, >3 = julian date (X-axis only) __\ 1 = normal, 0 = no minus sign */ IOPTY /* IOPTY = special labeling option / 2 = latitude, 3 = longitude */ 0.1 /* TICL = length of axes tick marks (in inches) */ -0.1 /* HNUM = height of axes numbers (in inches, put '-' for boldface */ -0.11 /* HLAB = height of axes labels (in inches, put '-' for boldface */ NXCHAR /* NXCHAR = no. of chars. in X-axis label (0 = no label, max. = 81) */ NYCHAR /* NYCHAR = no. of chars. in Y-axis label (0 = no label, max. = 81) */ XLABEL /* X-axis label if NXCHAR not 0 (format 20A4) */ YLABEL /* Y-axis label if NYCHAR not 0 (format 20A4) */ /*----------------- END-OF-JOB CARD -----------------*/ 8*0