%--------------------- raw logging ----------------------------- % cruise configuration file template, used by cruisesetup.py % to write __cruiseid__cfg.m % Things marked with arrows may change if the installation % changes; this may be automated later, but for now it must % be done manually. % these variables are used by quick_adcp.py % acquisition yearbase must match data yearbase = __yearbase__; % acquisition yearbase (integer, e.g., 2005) proc_yearbase = __yearbase__; % processing yearbase cruiseid = '__cruiseid__'; % a title string, cruise designation uhdas_dir = '__uhdas_dir__'; % root for dirs: raw, rbin, gbin, proc % startcruise.py should get instrument names from config/sensor_cfg.py % This cellarray "msg_info" holds a list of all possible serially-logged rbin % directories and the message names extracted from them. This is % only edited to ADD a new instrument. Instruments with rbin files % available are extracted as needed (see below for determination of "best" % --> See "help get_instfields" for more info % % directory extension extension % to read to write % ----------- --------- ---------- % {'gyro' , 'hdg', % gyro heading % 'ashtech', 'adu', % attitudes from adu % 'posmv', 'pmv', % attitudes from posmv % 'seapath', 'sea', % attitudes from seapath % % % 'gpsnav', 'gps', % positions from generic GGA (eg. pcode) % 'simrad', 'gps', % positions from simrad % 'ashtech', 'gps', % positions from adu % 'posmv', 'gps', % positions from posmv % 'seapath', 'sea_gps', % positions from seapath % % % 'sndspd', 'spd', % soundspeed sensor (polar ships) % % %if msg_info is specified below, it overrides the default (which % uses everthing) % Now choose the rules to use to get 'best' position and attitude: % Only include the fields with values; they must be IN ORDER % (1) choose the variables to get 'best' versions of: best.rules = {'gps', 'heading', 'pitch', 'roll'}; % (2) Choose the instrument to get the field from: % % instrument message % --------- -------- best.gps_rule = {'__pos_inst__', '__pos_msg__'}; % usually pcode or other gps best.heading_rule = {'__hdg_inst__', '__hdg_msg__'}; % "best" = "most reliable" best.pitch_rule = {'__pitch_inst__', '__pitch_msg__'}; % recorded, but not implemented best.roll_rule = {'__roll_inst__', '__roll_msg__'}; % recorded, but not implemented % choose instrument to correct gyro (at sea: this field was created % using the value specified in procsetup_onship.py) % Must be an available attitude. "disable" by setting to 'gyro'; hcorr_inst = '__hcorr_inst__'; % eg 'posmv' % set full paths to raw bin, gbin, and processing directories rawdir = fullfile(uhdas_dir, 'raw'); rbindir = fullfile(uhdas_dir, 'rbin'); % directory to write processing log files logfpath = fullfile(uhdas_dir, 'proc/proclog'); %---------------- processing (quick_adcp.py) -------------------------- gbindirbase = fullfile(uhdas_dir, 'gbin'); %<-- %contains son125, os38b, os38n for gbin subdirs (time, best...)