/****************************************************************************** FILE: adcp2240.def This producer definition file is used with the loadping program to load ADCP ping data into a CODAS database. This particular version is for the Moana Wave's vessel-mounted ADCP using the version of the user-exit program that generates a 2240-type user buffer. See the files adcp1281.def and adcp1320.def for the older 1320-, 1280-, and 1020-type user buffers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCER DEFINITION FILE STRUCTURE: DATASET_ID < insttype________________________ > { a 32-character string, where the first 8 chars. indicate the type of instrument, e.g., ADCP-VM, and the remainder can be used for anything } PRODUCER_ID < cciippinst______________________ > { a 32-character string, where cc = 2-char. NODC country code, ii = 2-char. NODC institution code, pp = 2-char. NODC platform code, inst = 4-char. instrument ID (unique to site), and the remainder can be used for anything } BLOCK_DIR_TYPE < 0 > { block directory can have one or more keys; currently there is only one type = 0 (time) } PROFILE_DIR_TYPE < 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 > { profile directory can have one or more keys, depending on the nature of the data collected: 0 = time only (for fixed installations) 1 = time and position (moving installations) 2 = time and depth range 3 = time, position, and depth range } { data type definition(s), one for each variable to be loaded: } < freq > < id > < value_type > < data_name > < offset > < scale > < units > . . . { where freq = < BLOCK_VAR | PROFILE_VAR | UNUSED > refering to how often the data item will be loaded: BLOCK_VAR = once per block file (data varies only from block to block) PROFILE_VAR = once per profile (data varies from profile to profile) UNUSED = not loaded at all id = unique numeric code associated with the data item value_type = < BYTE | UBYTE | SHORT | ... > (see below) choose the type that minimizes storage requirements but is sufficient to accommodate the range of values that type can assume: Value Bytes of Value Type Storage Range ----- -------- --------------------------------- BYTE 1 -128 to +127 UBYTE 1 0 to +255 SHORT 2 -32768 to +32767 USHORT 2 0 to +65535 LONG 4 -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 ULONG 4 0 to +4,294,967,295 FLOAT 4 -1.0e38 to +1.0e38 DOUBLE 8 -1.0e38 to +1.0e38 CHAR 1 printable ASCII TEXT 1 printable ASCII STRUCT variable depends on elements data_name = name of data item (max. 20 chars., no spaces) offset = a constant amount to add (subtract) to the data values when storing (retrieving); useful when a data item can be squeezed into a smaller value_type by performing this offset; set to 0 if no offset scale = a scaling factor to apply to the data values when storing and retrieving; useful when a data item can be squeezed into a smaller value_type by scaling; set to 1 if no scaling units = mks units (12 chars. or less) or "none" if unit-less } { structure defintion(s), one for each STRUCT-type variable to be loaded: } [ DEFINE_STRUCT ELEM . . . ] . . . { where struct_name = name of data item that is of STRUCT type (exactly as it appears in data definition section) no. of elements = no. of ELEM lines that immediately follow no. of instances = how many such ELEM (1 if single-valued; >1 if array) value type = < BYTE | UBYTE | SHORT | ... > (see above) element name = name unique within the structure definition max. 20 characters, no spaces units = mks unit (12 chars. or less) or "none" if unit-less } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DATASET_ID ADCP-VM /* vessel-mounted ADCP */ PRODUCER_ID 32R2MW0001 /* 32 = USA, R2 = U of Hawaii, MW = Moana Wave */ BLOCK_DIR_TYPE 0 PROFILE_DIR_TYPE 3 /* time, position, and depth range keys */ /* DATA DEFINITION FOR ADCP DATA frequency id value_type data_name offset scale units */ BLOCK_VAR 0 SHORT DEPTH 0 1 m UNUSED 1 USHORT TEMPERATURE -10 1.E-3 C UNUSED 2 USHORT SALINITY 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 3 USHORT OXYGEN 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 6 STRUCT OPTICS 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 7 UBYTE AMP_SOUND_SCAT 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 8 SHORT U 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 9 SHORT V 0 1.E-3 m/s UNUSED 10 SHORT P 0 1 dbar UNUSED 11 STRUCT TEMP_SAMPLE 0 1 none UNUSED 12 USHORT SALINITY_SAMPLE 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 13 USHORT OXYGEN_SAMPLE 0 1.E-3 ppt UNUSED 14 STRUCT NUTRIENT_SAMPLE 0 1 none UNUSED 15 STRUCT TRACER_SAMPLE 0 1 none UNUSED 20 SHORT OCEAN_DEPTH 0 1 m UNUSED 21 STRUCT WEATHER 0 1 none UNUSED 22 STRUCT SEA_SURFACE 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 32 CHAR PROFILE_COMMENTS 0 1 none BLOCK_VAR 33 CHAR BLOCK_COMMENTS 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 34 UBYTE PROFILE_FLAGS 0 1 none BLOCK_VAR 35 STRUCT CONFIGURATION_1 0 1 none BLOCK_VAR 36 STRUCT CONFIGURATION_2 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 37 STRUCT ANCILLARY_1 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 38 STRUCT ANCILLARY_2 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 39 STRUCT ACCESS_VARIABLES 0 1 none UNUSED 40 SHORT DEPTH_SAMPLE 0 1 m UNUSED 41 USHORT SIGMA_T 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 42 USHORT SIGMA_THETA 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 43 USHORT SIGMA_Z 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 44 USHORT SIGMA_2 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 45 USHORT SIGMA_4 0 1.E-3 kg/m3 UNUSED 46 USHORT SPEC_VOL_ANOM 0 1.E-9 m3/kg UNUSED 47 USHORT THERMOSTERIC_ANOM 0 1.E-9 m3/kg UNUSED 48 SHORT DYNAMIC_HEIGHT 0 1.E-3 dyn_m UNUSED 49 SHORT BVF 0 1.E-5 /s UNUSED 50 SHORT SOUNDSPEED 1500 1.E-2 m/s UNUSED 51 SHORT TIME_FROM_START 0 1 s UNUSED 52 USHORT POTENTIAL_TEMP -10 1.E-3 C UNUSED 53 FLOAT CONDUCTIVITY 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 54 SHORT W 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 55 SHORT ERROR_VEL 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 56 UBYTE PERCENT_GOOD 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 57 UBYTE PERCENT_3_BEAM 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 58 UBYTE SPECTRAL_WIDTH 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 59 SHORT U_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 60 SHORT V_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 61 SHORT W_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 62 SHORT EV_STD_DEV 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 63 BYTE AMP_STD_DEV 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 64 SHORT RAW_DOPPLER 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 65 UBYTE RAW_AMP 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 66 UBYTE RAW_SPECTRAL_WIDTH 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 67 UBYTE BEAM_STATS 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 68 STRUCT NAVIGATION 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 69 STRUCT BOTTOM_TRACK 0 1 none UNUSED 70 SHORT U_LOG 0 1.E-3 m/s UNUSED 71 SHORT V_LOG 0 1.E-3 m/s PROFILE_VAR 75 STRUCT USER_BUFFER 0 1 none PROFILE_VAR 76 STRUCT ADCP_CTD 0 1 none /* STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS */ DEFINE_STRUCT CONFIGURATION_1 23 ELEM 1 FLOAT avg_interval s ELEM 1 SHORT compensation none ELEM 1 SHORT num_bins none ELEM 1 FLOAT tr_depth m ELEM 1 FLOAT bin_length m ELEM 1 FLOAT pls_length m ELEM 1 FLOAT blank_length m ELEM 1 FLOAT ping_interval s ELEM 1 SHORT bot_track none ELEM 1 SHORT pgs_ensemble none ELEM 1 SHORT ens_threshold none ELEM 1 SHORT ev_threshold mm/s ELEM 1 FLOAT hd_offset deg ELEM 1 FLOAT pit_offset deg ELEM 1 FLOAT rol_offset deg ELEM 1 FLOAT unused1 none ELEM 1 FLOAT unused2 none ELEM 1 FLOAT unused3 none ELEM 1 FLOAT freq_transmit Hz ELEM 1 SHORT top_ref_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT bot_ref_bin none ELEM 1 FLOAT unused4 none ELEM 1 FLOAT heading_bias deg DEFINE_STRUCT ANCILLARY_1 10 ELEM 1 FLOAT tr_temp C ELEM 1 FLOAT snd_spd_used m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT best_snd_spd m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT mn_heading deg ELEM 1 SHORT pgs_sample none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned1 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned2 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned3 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned4 none ELEM 1 SHORT unassigned5 none DEFINE_STRUCT ANCILLARY_2 23 ELEM 1 FLOAT watrk_hd_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT watrk_scale_factor none ELEM 1 FLOAT botrk_hd_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT botrk_scale_factor none ELEM 1 FLOAT pit_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT rol_misalign deg ELEM 1 FLOAT unused1 none ELEM 1 FLOAT last_temp C ELEM 1 FLOAT last_heading deg ELEM 1 FLOAT last_pitch deg ELEM 1 FLOAT last_roll deg ELEM 1 FLOAT mn_pitch deg ELEM 1 FLOAT mn_roll deg ELEM 1 FLOAT std_temp C ELEM 1 FLOAT std_heading deg ELEM 1 FLOAT std_pitch deg ELEM 1 FLOAT std_roll deg ELEM 1 SHORT ocean_depth m ELEM 1 SHORT max_amp_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT last_good_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT unused2 none ELEM 1 SHORT unused3 none ELEM 1 SHORT unused4 none DEFINE_STRUCT ACCESS_VARIABLES 8 ELEM 1 SHORT first_good_bin none ELEM 1 SHORT last_good_bin none ELEM 1 FLOAT U_ship_absolute m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT V_ship_absolute m/s ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_1 none ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_2 none ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_3 none ELEM 1 SHORT user_flag_4 none DEFINE_STRUCT BOTTOM_TRACK 3 ELEM 1 FLOAT u m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT v m/s ELEM 1 FLOAT depth m DEFINE_STRUCT NAVIGATION 4 ELEM 1 DOUBLE latitude deg ELEM 1 DOUBLE longitude deg ELEM 1 DOUBLE speed knots ELEM 1 DOUBLE direction deg DEFINE_STRUCT USER_BUFFER 6 ELEM 1 SHORT version none ELEM 1 SHORT n_samples none ELEM 1 SHORT s_added none ELEM 1 SHORT spare none ELEM 2 STRUCT fix none ELEM 2 STRUCT raw none DEFINE_STRUCT fix 9 ELEM 1 LONG pc_seconds s ELEM 1 LONG gps_seconds s ELEM 1 DOUBLE latitude deg ELEM 1 DOUBLE longitude deg ELEM 1 FLOAT height m ELEM 1 BYTE dop none ELEM 1 BYTE nsat none ELEM 1 BYTE msg_type none ELEM 1 BYTE spare none DEFINE_STRUCT raw 1 ELEM 76 CHAR msg_char none /* Comment out the remaining structure definitions if the CTD interface to the ADCP is not used. */ /* DEFINE_STRUCT ADCP_CTD 4 ELEM 1 STRUCT last_count none ELEM 1 STRUCT ensemble_total none ELEM 1 STRUCT session_total none ELEM -16 STRUCT unused none DEFINE_STRUCT last_count 4 ELEM 1 LONG conductivity none ELEM 1 LONG temperature deg ELEM 1 LONG depth m ELEM 1 LONG time none DEFINE_STRUCT ensemble_total 4 ELEM 1 LONG conductivity none ELEM 1 LONG temperature deg ELEM 1 LONG depth m ELEM 1 LONG time none DEFINE_STRUCT session_total 4 ELEM 1 LONG conductivity none ELEM 1 LONG temperature deg ELEM 1 LONG depth m ELEM 1 LONG time none */ /*****************************************************************************/