% This is a stripped down version of setup.m suitable for coupling with % zap editing from autoedit as a gui tool only. All thresholds (except % amplitude)are disabled. Please look at setup.m.demo to start wiht the % original setup.m. %2001/09/14 - JH %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %% must have a file that is in the matlab adcp directory (where edit/ sits) %% 97/09/10 - was harmcrv before this: since we moved it, I chose smoothr (jh) test_file = 'smoothr'; if (exist('shipedit') ~= 2) base_path = which(test_file); %find path to dir_edit_base if (isempty(base_path)) fprintf('you do not have the adcp editing programs on your path.\n') return end bl = length(base_path); %length of total path base_path((bl-(length(test_file)+1)):bl) = []; %strip the file off path([base_path 'edit'], path); %add edit to path end clear test_file % editglob global ABS_U ABS_V AMP AMP_OFFSET BADACC BADBIN BADBIN_BAK global BADPRF BADPRF_BAK BMAX BMIN BOTM_EDIT BOTTOM BOTTOM_BAK global CURRX DAYS DBNAME DEFAULT_NBINS DEFAULT_NPRFS DEFAULT_SEQ_FLAG global DEPTH DISP E EDIT_MODE E_OFFSET IBLKPRF IKEY INITed global LASTCOMM LASTPLOT LAT LISTED LON LONLAT NBINS NPRFS global PFLAG PGOOD PLOTBAD PMAX PMIN REFLAYER_ENDBIN REFLAYER_STARTBIN global TIME U UV_OFFSET U_ROTATE V V_ROTATE W W_OFFSET YAXIS global PLOTBAD_ORIGINAL global PGOOD_THRESHOLD D2W_THRESHOLD D2UV_THRESHOLD ... WVAR_THRESHOLD AMP_THRESHOLD EV_THRESHOLD global USE_LGB PLOTNAV start_bin verbose PLOTUV global PGOOD_OFFSET LGB MAB LISTED = 1; INITed = 0; % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Retrieval Parameters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DBNAME = '../adcpdb/__dbname__'; DEFAULT_SEQ_FLAG = 1; DEFAULT_NPRFS = 40; DEFAULT_NBINS = __numbins__; REFLAYER_STARTBIN = __rl_startbin__; REFLAYER_ENDBIN = __rl_endbin__; % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Editing Parameters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> % To disable any of the editing criteria below, set it to [] EDIT_MODE = 1; PGOOD_THRESHOLD = __pgmin__; USE_LGB = 1; D2W_THRESHOLD = []; D2UV_THRESHOLD = []; EV_THRESHOLD = []; WVAR_THRESHOLD = []; start_bin = 3; AMP_THRESHOLD = 15; BOTM_EDIT = 1; verbose = 1; % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Plotting Parameters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UV_OFFSET = 0.1; W_OFFSET = 0.02; E_OFFSET = 0.02; AMP_OFFSET = 10; PGOOD_OFFSET = 10; PLOTBAD = 1; PLOTUV = 1; editpdef