/****************************************************************************** FILE: profstat.cnt This control file is used with the profstat program to generate statistics on selected profiles in a CODAS database. This particular version is used to obtain a general idea of the degree of variability in the vertical velocity (W) in order to derive a threshold for flagging errant profiles. INPUT: CODAS database OUTPUT: 1. text file of profile statistics (.prs) 2. Matlab file of profile statistics (.mat) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: dbname: < CODAS database name > output: < root for output filename > step_size: < number of profiles to advance > ndepth: < number of depth bins to read and process> time_ranges: < combined | separate > { one or more variable names, followed by various arguments as shown } [ < variable name > < "label" > { in quotes, for labelling the output } [ reference: < start bin > to < end bin > ] [ difference: < 0 | 1 | 2 > ] { for no, first, second difference } [ statistics: scale= < n > ] { 0.01 for output in cm, 1.0 = m, etc. } [ histogram: nbins= < n > origin= < n > increment= < n > style= < h | c | n | cn > ] { n = normalized display c = cumulative display cn = cumulative & normalized h = neither } [ flag_mask: < bit-mask > { bit-mask is any one or more of those defined in . profmask.h; these cumulatively indicate which criteria . to consider in flagging profile bins as bad prior to . calculations. Default is ALL_BITS. } end ] end {time_ranges: one of the following } < all > { or } { list of YMDHMS time pairs } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . { or } < @tr_filename > { where tr_filename is a file of timeranges } { such as the output of timegrid } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dbname: ../adcpdb/ademo output: ademodf0 /* no extension! */ step_size: 2 ndepth: 56 time_ranges: combined /* variables list: */ W "W component" reference: 4 to 12 difference: 0 statistics: scale= 0.01 end end /* time range list */ all /* 93/04/09 00:02:00 to 93/04/10 23:58:00 */ /*****************************************************************************/