/****************************************************************************** FILE: flag.cnt This control file is used with the flag program to generate a list of "suspect" profiles in a CODAS database, i.e., profiles that do not conform to the specified thresholds. This particular version disables error velocity checking (hence, the very large EV_THRESHOLD:); such checking is done under a separate run because it uses a different PGOOD_THRESHOLD: setting. INPUT: CODAS database OUTPUT: 1. text file (.flg) of "suspect" profiles 2. text file (.ev) of profiles with bin numbers that fail the error velocity check (should be empty in this case) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL FILE STRUCTURE: DB_NAME: < CODAS database name > OUTPUT: < root for output filename > START_BIN: < smallest bin no. to include in W variance calculation > AMP_THRESHOLD: < maximum allowed amplitude gain over successive bins > PGOOD_THRESHOLD: < minimum percent good value for bins to be surveyed > LENGTH_UNIT: < scaling factor vs. meters for velocity thresholds > W_VAR_THRESHOLD: < maximum allowed W variance in (LENGTH_UNIT*m/s)^2 > D2W_THRESHOLD: < maximum allowed 2nd diff. of W in LENGTH_UNIT*m/s > D2UV_THRESHOLD: < maximum allowed 2nd diff. of U or V in LENGTH_UNIT*m/s > EV_THRESHOLD: < maximum allowed error velocity in LENGTH_UNIT*m/s > FLAG_MASK: < bit_mask > . . . end time_ranges: { one of the following } < all > { or } { list of YMDHMS time pairs } < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > to < yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss > . . { or } < @tr_filename > { where tr_filename is a file of timeranges } { such as the output of timegrid } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DB_NAME: ../adcpdb/ademo OUTPUT: ademo START_BIN: 3 AMP_THRESHOLD: 10 PGOOD_THRESHOLD: 30 LENGTH_UNIT: 1e-3 /* in this case, 1e-3 => thresholds given in mm */ W_VAR_THRESHOLD: 700 /* in (mm/s)^2 */ D2W_THRESHOLD: 40 /* in mm/s */ D2U&D2V_THRESHOLD: 75 /* in mm/s */ EV_THRESHOLD: 70 /* in mm/s */ CLUSTER_GAP: 10 FLAG_MASK: ALL_BITS /* ignore bins already flagged for all possible reasons */ end TIME_RANGE: 93/04/09 00:02:00 to 93/04/10 23:58:00 /*****************************************************************************/